Better (Re)organize with the IMatch Clipboard

Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop for Simple Cases

If you are planning to reorganize your database by moving files around between folders or categories, IMatch already supports you with features like copy & paste and drag and drop between folders and categories.

Collating Files from Different Sources

But what if you want to collate files from different folders and then move or copy them? Or you want to combine files from many source categories into a new category? Or you want to export files from many sources or produce a photo book with Design & Print from files in certain categories, events or folders?

One effective approach is assigning the files to a collection, such as pins or dots, or creating a temporary category for the files for further processing.

However, a more visually intuitive option in IMatch is the IMatch Clipboard feature.
The Clipboard enables you to collate any number of files from diverse folders, categories, collections, events, or persons. With this tool, you can easily move, copy, assign, or add these files to other locations, whether they are different folders, categories, or collections. Additionally, you can open them in a Result Window for further processing.

To add files to the IMatch clipboard, just drag them from any File Window into the Clipboard Panel.

A screen shot of the IMatch clipboard with various images.
Combining files from various sources with the IMatch Clipboard.

To open the IMatch Clipboard, use the command in the View > Panels menu.

The Clipboard Remembers

The IMatch Clipboard remembers the files you have added to it when you close IMatch. The next time you open IMatch, the clipboard automatically reloads the last set of files.