Deleting folders by mistake...

Started by PierreC, April 08, 2020, 08:18:09 AM

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Working with iMatch 2020 since some weeks, and catching up on years of delay in cataloging the family photos, I encountered the following issue, for which I would appreciate a work around.
-I am reviewing on of my folder with 5K photos in the file window. There is a bunch of them which I want to delete as I initially did not filter (imported all).
-I have the CTRL + Suppr security  setup on
-I delete 5 photos with CTRL + SUPR, it opens the confirmation box, I confirm, it deletes the 5 photos...
-the next photo is selected (as the 5 have been removed).
Here is my mistake :
-I don't click on the selected picture, and I press again CTRL+SUPR as I also want to delete this one.
-But what happens is that iMatch takes it as a request to delete the full folder.
-I don't read the dialog box (as I assume it is about the pic I want to delete)...
-I click Ok, and the whole folder gets deleted!
Then, I have to re-import the 5 K pictures in iMatch, redo the cataloging, the meta data, ....VERY VERY LONG
The best solution solution (which Mario and my database will probably hate) is to kill iMatch early enough (while the folder gets deleted but not yet the database entries for this folder, then go to the Recycle Bin, restore the folder...

While I know that I am doing 2 things wrong (1 = not clicking on the next pic to delete, 2 = not reading the dialog box), I would appreciate an extra control when it is about deleting a folder.



When you press <Del> to delete a folder, IMatch will display a prompt.
When you instead use the "Delete without prompt" command override <Ctrl>+<Del> on one or more folders, IMatch does not ask. This is the idea of Ctrl+Del. Same as in Windows Explorer.

Don't get into the habit to Ctrl+Del all the time. Its dangerous. Always use <Del>, read the prompt, then confirm or cancel.

The easiest way to undo this would have to

1. Close IMatch
2. Restore the folders from backup or recycle bin
3. Restore last daily backup of the database
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Carlo Didier

I think the problem is that the file window looses focus, which should not happen.


Quote from: Mario on April 08, 2020, 09:18:37 AM
When you instead use the "Delete without prompt" command override <Ctrl>+<Del> on one or more folders, IMatch does not ask. This is the idea of Ctrl+Del. Same as in Windows Explorer.

My Windows Explorer doesn't do anything if I press Ctrl-Del. Are you using any Explorer replacement?


The reason why I am pressing CTRL+DEL is that DEL only was "Rejecting the file". Seems to be the set up in my DBB Edit / Pref / Application / Rejected file.
So, when I press Del, I have
(1) a window telling me about file rejection / toggle, and asking me to press CTRL + DEL to really delete.

When I press CTRL + Del, I have
(2) the Window asking me if I really want to delete the file

I tried changing the setup for file rejection  (with the set up of Del Key rejects files = No), and now, when I press DEL, I have
(2) the Window asking me if I really want to delete the file

So Mario, my problem would remain the same, even with DEL only (with the set up of Del Key rejects files = No)
It comes from :
-As Didier says, the file window looses fous for whatever reason
-My going fast (as deleting a number of file) and ignoring the "Confirm File Deletion", which is Ok with the pictures (I am clear I want to delete the file selected) but KO for the folder which became the focus.

It may sound as my ignoring the "Confirm File Deletion" is a very bad practice (and I kind of agree), but in this period of leveraging COVID to catch up on my thousands of pictures, it already hapened to me 3 times in 2 days... So would appreciate an extra control, like "Confirm Folder deletion", followed by a "Hey mate, are you really sure you really want to really delete this folder"



Quote from: Carlo Didier on April 08, 2020, 10:48:04 AM
I think the problem is that the file window looses focus, which should not happen.

How does it lose the focus?
When I del or Ctrl+Del files, the file window keeps the focus.
Do you use the latest version of IMatch? Because there was an issue a version ago where the file window could lose the focus during a reload.
But that was fixed in the 2020.3,6 version two weeks ago. See release note ##01018

I just tried. Deleting files with Ctrl+Del in the File Window does not change the focus to another window.
The "Are you sure" dialog pops up and then the File Window gets the focus back.

If this is not the case on your system (with the 2020.3.6 installed) let me know the details.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Mario thx

I am using the latest version 2020.3.6
I will work at reproducing the problem tonight on a test folder today, and provide you the scenario if I manage


Pressing <Del> cannot delete a folder without a prompt. And neither a file.
Not sure if you work keyboard only or also with the mouse. Maybe you have clicked somewhere?
When the file window loses focus, it does not focus the Media & Folders tree control.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


-Loss of focus : will try to reproduce it and come back - I am using the mouse to select the pictures (and some times keyboard and mouse to select several pictures) and the keyboard to delete (DEL key)
-You are right, <Del> or CTRL+DEL does not delete a folder nor a file without a prompt window "Confirm File / Folder deletion". But please read my scenario : I am deleting a bunch of pictures, pretty quickly, and so clicking "OK" also quickly, in the windows "Confirm deletion". At some point there is this issue where the folder gets selected (still need to reproduce it per previous point) while I believe that it is the picture with the dark red frame, I press DEL, the Confirm window comes, I press Ok.... and it deletes the folder


I could not spend much time on it... but could not reproduce the problem
What I did though is switching to a very basic mouse, as I wonder if what looked like focus loss may not be an extra function of the mouse I was using had a number of side buttons, ...
Will keep you posted if it comes back. Thank you.