Map Panel (What do these colors represent?)

Started by kiwilink, April 11, 2020, 11:54:13 PM

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I am looking at images I took around London on the Map panel.  Can someone please tell me what the highlighted "angle" is in attachment 1? I read Mario's answer to a question about an FOV in 2018 (IMatch 2018 Sneak Peak: Map Panel Enhancements) but I don't think I understand it.  I wasn't trying to do anything except show the pics I took on the map.  I know how to turn it off and on (FOV) I was just trying to understand it.

Secondly, Where is the red line coming from in attachment 2?

Thank you!



You have it correct - it is the Field of View from the camera database that is built into IMatch... based upon your camera, the FOV attempts to determine the angles shown in the photo on the map... pretty cool actually.


That's one of the neat features Mario added a couple of years ago. The highlighted area does indeed show the field of view of the lens used for the photo (based on EXIF values). The bullseye icon is the target of the photo (can be added/adjusted) and the red line shows the direction from camera origin to the target area.

See the Help for more information:




Thank you JCH2103, Jingo, and Mario for the response.
The images I was looking at was shot with a 2002 Olympus C5050Z.  I submitted the info to Mario via email (I received a msg when I was in the Map panel that said to send the details to Mario's Camera Database).  I shot around 25,000 pictures with this camera (no longer use it) as I migrated to a Nikon D7000 but the pics are inmy IMATCH database and are still very important to me.

I'm still reading and learning about the FOV within the map panel.  Thanks you for the response guys!


P.S.  Mario:  I know you have more pressing things to work on so don't spend any time with the info I sent you.  I just wanted to make sure I responded since the msg came up when I was in the map panel.  Thanks!