Folder and Media view - unexpected behaviour

Started by Carlo Didier, October 03, 2013, 09:28:49 AM

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Carlo Didier

Build 5.0.116: In Folder and Media view, when I click on a drive, I get thumbnails displayed for two of the folders on that drive. None from other folders.
Actually, I see the thumbnails from folders which directly contain images, not from those that contain only images in subfolders.
In the attached example, I see the thumbnails from folders "Photos René" and "Photo Various". But I would not expect to see any thumbnails as there are no images in the root folder of that drive, which is the folder I selected.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi Carlo,
how did you configure your file window, especially the "Show files with hierarchy" options (right to the Pause icon)? If these options are set to "Show one level", this might explain what you see.

Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


I also think this is cased by the hierarchy level being set to showing only one or two levels.

Carlo Didier

Quote from: thrinn on October 03, 2013, 11:10:21 AM
Hi Carlo,
how did you configure your file window, especially the "Show files with hierarchy" options (right to the Pause icon)? If these options are set to "Show one level", this might explain what you see.


You're right about the hierarchy setting. Thanks!