Can I distinguish manual versions from automatic versioning.

Started by ubacher, May 15, 2020, 09:50:10 AM

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I can see masters and versions but I don't see any way to distinguish manual from automatic versioning.

Is there a work-around?


Doesn't the versionState information on the returned file(s) contain the information you need? It should contain whether its a manual master/version or an automatic (or both!).


You setup a manual only version rule by using the Link via Manual Only setting.
Else the version is not different from any other version rule.

But each rule has a unique name. Can your app not tell by looking at the definitionName element of the version object?

The versionState of individual files & 4 (bitwise operator) returns 4 if the file is a manual master. And & 8 = 8 if the file is a manual version.
See the files/relations endpoint docs for more info.

The relations/definitions endpoint does not return this information. This was never needed.


Thanks. I was looking at the wrong thing. Versionstate does show me if the relation is manual.