Trained faces icon on rejected faces

Started by PierreC, May 12, 2020, 07:53:39 AM

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1-When I go into the people viewer, I select one specific person, and I look at the "Rejected faces", I see the pictures grayed out, but I also see on some of those grayed out the "Trained face" blue icon.
What does this mean? (this pictures are actually not matching this person)

2-Same person, and I go to the "Trained faces" of this person. I see some grayed out pictures with the blue icon for "trained face" (not sure they are the same as above). What does this mean?




Have you rejected trained faces?
Or trained rejected faces?

Is this a new installation or did you use IMatch 2020 over the various updates since February?

Did you run database diagnosis recently to make sure the database is OK?
This will also clear smaller glitches introduced by very early 2020 releases.


I went thru a full re-install with the latest release, as advised (as it is a new installation process)
Yes, I ran diagnosis and compacting as part of ack and go last Sunday

Do you mean this is not norma behaviour?
I will do comparison tonight between the rejected faces with the trained icon (in the rejected faces view) and the trained faces with the grayed picture (in the trained faces view) but it looked they are the same.


I cannot reproduce this.
When I unconfirm or reject a face, the training state is reset.

If you can reproduce this, let me know how. If I can reproduce this, I can fix it.



I have sent you a mail with screenshots of trained and of rejected



Have you included the steps to reproduce this problem?
I believe that you are seeing this, but without the steps to reproduce this behavior (and no similar reports from other users), there is nothing I can do.


As I don't know what got me there, I don't know how to start reproducing.
I have probably a handful of persons with this issue, not more, so I will go fixing this as you advised, and come back to you if it happens again.
I was not monitoring all these so far, but reading a bunch of posts about faces, I saw the interest of not only looking at the unconfirmed faces, but also at the rejected and the trained  ones.

Yesterday late, trying again, with one prerson showing the issue, I did the following :
-In rejected faces for this person, I select one of the faces with the TRAINED blue icon on top, and I toggle TRAIN. I save. The window refreshes, the face  where I have toggled the TRAINED appeard as before with Trained blue icon
-I go to the TRAINED Faces, I locate the same face as above (as all the faces in the rejected faces which have the blue TRAINED icon on top are also in this view) - It is GRAYED with the Blue trained icon. I toggle TRAIN. I save. The windows refreshes and for one second non of the grayed faces with the TRAINED icon appear (there were a dozen of those Grayed faces with blue icon in this case) but one second later, all of those grayed with the the blue TRAINED icon are back.


I have seen this condition as well...I wonder if it was created by early versions of IMatch 2020 (before we had Face Manager), and is actually no longer an issue?...(although previously created instances of the condition still remain in the Database).

But I have not actually tried to re-create the condition intentionally...(and don't know if instances of it that I'm still finding, were created only before, or also after, Face Manager was introduced).

What I have been doing to "correct" this condition when I encounter it (to prevent the face from re-appearing with that "double state"), is to toggle both, the Trained, and Rejected State, before saving:

    1.) With Face Manager in Rejected Faces mode, select all faces that show the Trained Face Indicator

    2.) Press T (to toggle the Trained state)

    3.) Press R (to toggle the Rejected state)

    4.) Press Ctrl-S (to save)

This of course also removes the face as a Rejected face for the person, but that may actually be desirable As discussed in this post:

I have in fact been removing all Rejected faces, as it does seem to impede the recognition rate...(prior to my doing that for my wife and my daughter, they were almost never being recognized as themselves, and now they're recognized almost 100% of the time).


This is also my guess here. Which is why I asked above. And why so far only one user reported this.
It's easy to fix by un-training the rejects in the FM as you point out.

I will add a diagnosis step for this for the next release, unless it makes the diagnosis massively slower.
This should get rid of this.



I have fixed  where I had the problem using the reco above. I have not seen it anymore since then.