Category Properties: Description

Started by jch2103, April 28, 2020, 12:35:05 AM

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The Category Properties window, according to Help, can show Name, Description, etc.. I just wanted to check: Is Description  limited to regular Categories, not keywords?

I ask because I've been doing back to old scanned images and assigning a keyword for 'film camera' with subcategories for different cameras (e.g., Minolta|SRT 101, etc.). I was thinking I could add notes, e.g., when the camera was introduced/discontinued. I know I could do this other ways, such as assigned Categories or Attributes, but wanted to check to make sure I wasn't missing something.


In my @Keywords categories the only properties I can set are the category thumbnail and category color.


Data-driven categories are created and deleted automatically. It would make no sense to allow the user to add a description.
You can only add a description to the data-driven category itself, not the dynamic child categories.

@Keywords is a data-driven category.


OK, thanks. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.