Batch copy / paste file mames between files

Started by jarraun, May 02, 2020, 05:41:48 PM

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Hi users,

My task doesen´t seem easy, even googling I can´t find a way to accomplish it. Maybe Imatch clever users can help me. I need to change the names of 800 raw files according to their versions, for instance I have:

1.ABC.RAW and 123_ABC.JPG, I´d like ABC.RAW became 123_ABC.RAW

2.DEF.RAW and 456_DEF.JPG,  I´d like DEF.RAW became 456_DEF.RAW

And of course it had to be in batch automatically. Seems difficult, some hope of succes kind users ? Thank you



More a kind of brain storming than a solution...

Put the target file names (123_ABC, 456_DEF) into an unused metadata field that can be propagated separately from others. See the "What to propagate" section in File Relations for available fields. Some examples are XMP Title, XMP Author, XMP Credit, and others. This can easily be accomplished with the Metadata Mechanic app. It is very important that you do not use this field on your RAW files because it will be overwritten in the next steps.

Set up a (temporary) file relations rule, defining 123_ABC.JPG as master and ABC_RAW as version. In the Versioning tab, mark the XMP field you defined in the first step for propagation, but only this field! Refresh relations of your JPG files and propagate the selected XMP field to the "version" of the JPG. Now the filename of the JPG should be available in the RAW file metadata.

Last, use the Renamer with a Text & Variables step to rename the RAW files to the content of the XMP field chosen in the first step.

This approach depends on two assumptions:
First, you need an used XMP field which can be propagated separately from all other fields.
Second, you must be able to set up a file relation rule that matches the RAW file (as "version") to the JPG file (which operates as a master in this case). If this is possible and how difficult it is to set it up properly, depends on you file names.

Be warned: This is a purely theoretic approach - I did not try it...
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


I'm assuming this is a one-time cleanup of file names. If so, you could consider a dedicated rename program like Bulk Rename Utility (free):

I've used it for some complex/difficult rename projects for some situations where using the Renamer seemed more complicated. It's very capable and has many options that aren't too difficult to figure out (including filtering by file extension and a live rename preview).

You could point it to the folders/files you want to modify, view all the files (including your name source files), filter for just the RAW files by extension and rename just those files. Not 'automatic' but note that you can save 'favourites' for renaming projects for any repeat jobs. 



Quote from: jch2103 on May 02, 2020, 10:06:38 PM
I'm assuming this is a one-time cleanup of file names. If so, you could consider a dedicated rename program like Bulk Rename Utility (free):

I second this.... a great program!


Just keep in mind that renaming or moving files outside of IMatch will break the link between IMatch and the file. This then requires a relocate for each file so IMatch knows about the new file name and/or location.

I have add 3 new variables for the next IMatch version. They return the file names of versions (fully-qualified and name.ext format) and also a {File.BuddyFiles.NameExt} variable to access only the file names of buddy files.

These could theoretically (not tried) be used to rename a master file to the version file name. Worth a try, unless you need a quick solution now.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you all :),

Thorsten, well thoght but a little complicated for me and as you said of uncertain result.

Jonh, I´m going to give a try Bulk Rename Utility, it has an option "Renaming From A Text File" in which you make a comma-separated values (CSV)like this:
so the originals file names are modified acording the second part of the line behind the comma.

Mario, always looking for new utilities in your software, we thank you for this, keep on.