Attributes and locations - any plans?

Started by Pawel, May 06, 2020, 11:20:06 AM

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Given threads about telemetry and features I though it would be good to ask about some features before I spend a lot of time and effort making use of them.  :)

Attributes and locations - are they here to stay? Are there any plans regarding new functionalities regarding attributes or locations?


IMatch Attributes are a very important (and unique) feature of IMatch. Many corporate and institutional users utilize Attributes to manage data that should no go into metadata and to link files in IMatch with backoffice databases and services. Normal users also use it to record all kinds of data, from custom metadata to copies of historical documents.

Locations (I assume you mean the locations int he Map Panel?) are a small helper to allow users who shot regularly at the same locations to add GPS data to files quickly.
The same functionality, with even more options, can be implemented in Metadata Templates.
And since the introduction of reverse geo-coding in IMatch, locations have become far less important for many.

Please note that I generally don't comment on future features, release cycles, potential removal of rarely used features etc.
What may be paramount for you may be something that many users newer use. And vice-versa. IMatch users maybe use 40% to 50% of IMatch, but different 40% to 50%...

Participate in telemetry. This allows me to tell which features of IMatch are used, and which are not.
It's totally anonymous etc. I don't care who the users are who regularly uses the Statistics App or custom data-driven categories or.... I just want to know how many users use a specific feature and how often.

Spending time on keeping features alive and compatible which are not used by more than a handful of users is a waste of time.