Can somebody please add a short note at dpreview?

Started by Mario, May 10, 2020, 09:37:52 PM

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User tokomeino said in his post

QuoteThat beeing said, iMatch should do something to really help semi-auto tagging (faces, objects, scenes...).

I replied today, telling that IMatch 2020 has both face recognition and the AutoTagger and provided a link to the AutoTagger Help page.

This got me banned (again) for a week from dpreview.
Because of commercial advertisement.

Before Amazon bought, it was the sole support forum for IMatch for many years. This would be impossible these days.

Maybe somebody with a dpreview account can tell this user that IMatch has face recognition and AutoTagger?


I tried my luck with following one.
It is my first post at dpreview (registered earlier, but not active there), so let's see if they ban me also or not.

QuoteThe current verions of IMatch 2020 has both Face recognition(link help) and the AutoTagger(link help).

Face recognition works locally, no need of a cloud or upload of data.

Autotagger uses online provider (Google, Microsoft, Clarafai, Imagga), therefore needs to upload a version of the image to the selected service provider.


Thanks. Much appreciated.
Probably you will be banned because they think you are me and I have just opened a new account to avoid the ban...

I don't use dpreview anymore myself, but I check every couple of days if there are questions about IMatch.
If it is something I can answer, I do. I take great care not to link to anything, but Amazon's / dpreview's rules seem to tighten more and more.

Good that we have this community, which runs on my server and I pay for. Only friendly and helpful people here  :)



I assume, as long-time DPR participant, that they won't ban me... Comments from others would presumably useful too, as I tried to make my post brief and to the point.


Thanks. Much appreciated.
When I would post this, I would be banned for a months or forever  :-X


DPreview is a site I still frequent - but less and less now that Amazon is the overseer... The content is more paid advertising and contracted items... sad how far down the tubes it has fallen.

But - if you need some support items - I'll be happy to post for you!


Quote from: Jingo on May 11, 2020, 03:54:30 PM
But - if you need some support items - I'll be happy to post for you!

Not in general, thanks.
Just this time and because I was banned again for posting the same links John did  :'(


Thanks for all who posted in that thread.
My ban was lifted by the moderators.

By the looks of it, the OP was happy to learn that IMatch 2020 has face recognition and an AutoTagger.
I hope he likes it when he tries it out and that IMatch saves him some time.