Questions about manual version sets

Started by ubacher, May 14, 2020, 05:04:46 PM

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1. Is there a way to find all manual version masters/sets?

2. I seem to have a lot of pdf files as manual masters - and I don't recall creating these.
Is it possible that the pdf creation creates some metadata which is then taken by Imatch to create the version set?

3. I have some manual version sets which I can not remove. Tried all the methods. (I think these sets were created accidentally/unknowingly)
    Any ideas what I could do to wipe the version set.
   ( I created a manual version set inside another one. When I deleted this it asked if I want to remove the files from both masters.
    I answered yes but it did not remove the files in question from the troublesome master.
   (Yes- the file relations used are enabled.)

The most extreme case I tried: Remove the master from the db. Run diagnostics. It reports:
QuoteWarning: 19 superfluous entries in rel_stack for non-masters. Removed.
I then renamed the file outside Imatch and added it again to Imatch. The newly added file shows as a manual master with 132 Files in the stack rather then the original 322.
Log file shows no errors or warnings.


Have you looked at your file relations?
IMatch does not create version sets by itself, only when there is a rule. And if you add new files to the database and these files become masters, there has to be a rule for that.

What does the variable {File.Relations} show for one of these master?
Database Diagnosis clean?
You can also check the IMatch log file for lines containing CIMTaskRelations::UpdateFiles, which is logged when relations are updated and it also lists which and the number of files.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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{File.Relations} shows: Collections|Relations|Master|Associates PDF

Associates PDF exists and is enabled.

Diagnostics are clear. Log entries do not shed light on this.

Some more testing:
If I move the master to another folder the jpg files in that folder are added to the versions.
If the new folder is empty the master shows no versions.

Repeatable: I create a manual version link. When I move the master to another folder it adds the files in that folder to the versions
(and those versions can not be removed). If I remove the original versions the behaviour remains.


Check your "Associates PDF" file relation rule and make sure it does what you think it does.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


With a manual version the file relation definition should not be needed and thus not used.
Only the versioning should be effective. There I have nothing set to propagate.


This is not about propagation.
One of your rule seems to produce versions you don't want. IMatch does not make versions by accident.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


It is all clear now. It all stems from confusing the relationships. What I thought was a manual
relation was actually a (mistakenly set up) automatic one. Thus removing it as a manual relations would not work.
etc..... Would have been good to visually see the different relationships.