Categories and folder structure

Started by frlindla, June 05, 2020, 11:07:29 AM

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I am thinking to do something with my folder structure. I have one top folder - "Bildearkiv". Under there I have one for each year and under there one for each month. My plan is to replace the month-folders with folders based on events. Like this:

Year-Month-Day-Event description

I wonder if you have some advice if I should also use categories in the folder structure or just assign events to categories afterwards?


I think, you can get from 5 people 5 different answers.  8)

Your folder-structur, like it is now, seems to me very good.
Why want you change it?
You can use the event-stuff, categories and so on, but leave the folder in a nice year-month-structur.
I would leave it.

But of course you have your reasons, why you would like to do so, what I do not know.
In this case I would not use categories, only assign events.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I also think that this is a neat (and commonly used) folder structure.
It adds sense to the folders and keeps the number of files manageable.

Have you looked at the IMatch Events in IMatch 2020?
This allows you to organize your files by events, without changing the file organization on disk.
You can create events from a all files in a folder (dynamically) or multiple events, if the folder holds images from more than one event.

If you don't want to use Events for whatever reason, you can achieve something similar albeit not as 'visual' using categories.


Thanks for your answers!
Mario, do you mean that my plan with folder structure by events is a good plan or my existing folder structure? Not sure what you meant;)

The reason why I am thinking of a folder structure by events is:

- Easy to get an overview of the content of my photos
- Easy to use other applications for part of my workflow if I want to

I know Imatch has events, but I also think it is a good thing to have a folder structure that is descriptive.


I think your hierarchical structure is what most people use since it is the natural, historic order
in which images are stored away.

With Imatch you need not have any order of your files - Imatch allows you to display your files
in any which order - provided you use keywords/categories.

If you like to think in terms of events then use the new EVENT feature or an EVENT category tree.


It's what I use. Year/Month/Day/Shoot. I do sometimes have multiple shoots/events on the same day, so that last level has been useful. I also separate by camera since sometimes I have multiple cameras used, or assistance. It's probably overkill, but it's also completely automated using Breeze Downloader Pro for years.

I don't directly reflect that in my category tree. While I do have a section of my tree for dates, I'm using that very much less since IMatch 2019 and the date tab became available (am I remembering when it was introduced right?). My categories are more oriented to people, content, etc. Even some of that is getting superseded by additional features.


Quote from: claudermilk on June 05, 2020, 06:58:53 PM
It's what I use. Year/Month/Day/Shoot. I do sometimes have multiple shoots/events on the same day, so that last level has been useful. I also separate by camera since sometimes I have multiple cameras used, or assistance. It's probably overkill, but it's also completely automated using Breeze Downloader Pro for years.

I don't directly reflect that in my category tree. While I do have a section of my tree for dates, I'm using that very much less since IMatch 2019 and the date tab became available (am I remembering when it was introduced right?). My categories are more oriented to people, content, etc. Even some of that is getting superseded by additional features.

Event subfolders are great for well.. pro or event photographers.  For the amateur/home guy/gal, Year/Year-Month seems to be enough and then use Events within IMatch to further categorize and organize.



- Family
  - Birthdays
  - Family Reunions
  - Weddings
  - Day Trips
  - Other
  - Parades
  - Sports
     - Soccer
     - Other
  - Concert
  - Theater
  - Church
  - Other
  - Extreme Weather

or whatever other structure you think of.

The EVENT feature of Imatch only lets you group events in a flat structure - that may suit you fine.