Numeric keyboard in face manager

Started by dkyndt, June 06, 2020, 12:08:09 PM

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Hi, I have noticed that when choosing a person in the face manager (F2), you can use the CTRL + a number.
However this number does not work on the numeric part of the keyboard., only on the numbers above the AZERTYUIOP keys.

I don't know if it intent like this.


What does this keyboard combination do? Ctrl+<number>?
I see no documentation for this. Ctrl+A is to select all, Ctrl+I to invert. Ctrl+S to save. But control and a number?



I don't see anything. Probably this site requires JavaScript.

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I think dkyndt means the Person Selector where Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2... are used for selecting one of the suggested persons.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Yes, this is correct, I meant person selector.

See attachment.


The Person Selector just reacts when the user press Ctrl+Number or Ctrl+Letter - and the Numpad is always special. It might not process the correct codes in combination with Ctrl. Nothing I can do about this.