Imatch Hanging

Started by Stevef48, June 10, 2020, 12:28:55 PM

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IMatch has been stopping for several minutes recently, but usually carries on as normal after what seems to be a long time, but is probably only a minute.
I selected 8 files that I want to amend. IMatch displays 'Updating' and won't let me allocate keywords to the files. 25 minutes later the files are still showing the rotating arrows symbol and iMatch is still telling me that it's updating.
Exiftool output is empty. IMatch and 2 exiftool processes are using 0% CPU according to Windows task manager.
Thanks in advance,


Maybe select the files and then

Shift Ctrl F5 and then rescan (first choice)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


This log is not in debug mode (see log file) so the info is minimal.

I see one warning from IMatch about being unable to write-back to D:\Photos\2016\2016-07-July\PO050006.JPG. Maybe this is causing the issue?
I tried to reproduce this with a dozen files, two of them set to read-only. When clicking on the pen, IMatch warned about the two read-only files. IMatch wrote back 18 files, the two read-only files remained pending of course. No slow down or blocking of the UI.

I also see a warning from ExifTool about invalid maker notes. Probably you have modified a file with a software which damaged the maker notes during saving.

I see several references to the file window search routines. Did you have a filter applied? Or used the search bar?

There are several time gaps in the log, but that's because of it being only a standard log, no debug log. Enable debug logging while you are diagnosing this (Help menu > Support).


I did enable Debug Logging, after IMatch hadn't reacted for a while.
It isn't possible to do anything with the files, whilst IMatch is 'Updating'.
The program closed 'normally', when I have a chance I'll restart it and see what it does.


PO050006.jpg was marked read only for some reason. I made all photos read/write and IMatch updated that photo, before it hung.
IMatch is still 'Updating' after it and the laptop were restarted.
Debug log attached,


Check the processing queues in the Info & Activity Panel. Is IMatch still busy processing files in the background?
Files being "pending" don't allow input in the MD panel.

The log file shows that IMatch was very busy, checking for new and updated files, ingesting files from D:\Photos\2007\2007-07-July\ and others.

Your processor reports 12 cores, but IMatch seems to have been throttled to use only 2 processor threads for ingesting / processing files (Edit > Preferences > Application: Process Control).
Any reason for that? This will give a rather slow performance...

If all else fails, go to Database > Tools and clear the processing queues. In case something has stuck for some reason...