Versioning with QImage

Started by heicron, July 12, 2020, 10:11:36 PM

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I have just started to work with versioning and have not been able to get images saved from within QImage to auto version when they are indexed. I can do a manual version though.
Images from two other ext. editors will auto version when indexed.
I am using the NEF defaults within Imatch in the file relations menu and saving the versions in the same folder as the masters, the masters are all nef.
Is there a setting I'm missing?


I use QImage for printing - but do not export images even if edits are made to the file.  Perhaps if you explain your Qimage workflow a bit more and the type of file you are exporting, that will help for sure.


A new workflow is what I'm trying to develop. For many years I have been using IM and Lightroom.
I would index my nefs in IM and rename, keyword etc. I would then copy those files to another drive and import into LR. When I wanted to print an image, I would use LR for raw adjustments, sometimes using a plugin and save the file within LR as tif or jpg, printing with LR or QImage.

Now it's time to retire LR 6 and move on.
Cropping is a key element of my editing and LR has a good crop tool for my needs and QI is great for sizing prints.
QI now has adjustments that seems to fit my needs well and I like the crop tool. I have also been using PS Elements and like its crop tool and adjustments.
I have been able to save tif and jpg files from PSE to Imatch and they index fine as versions but not the saved files from QI. I don't do a lot of printing, but I want to simplify things and keep everything in IM with a proper backup.



I don't know in which format QImage saves your files. Or where.

If a file is not detected as a version, the typical reasons are:

1. The file extension is not included in the version file mask
2. The version is in a folder not covered by the version rule.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I am saving the edited image as a jpg into the same folder as the master that is indexed by IM.

The original file name in IM  is: 20200501_ noca0118.NEF
The new file is named by QI is: 20200501_ noca0118{Q}.jpg

It appears that the QI name is the problem by putting the {Q} where it does. I can't see a way in QI to change the naming of the saved file only where to put the {Q}.
I have read through the help file, but I don't have a full understanding of how to create a mask for that naming convention. I have attached snips of my current configuration for file relations.

I attached snips of my buddy and version settings.

Thanks for your help.


As a test try inserting


just before the \. as indicated in my attachment.


That didn't work and I pasted it in the versioning also. After it was indexed into IM I tried to change the file name
and a pop-up indicated the file was buddy file etc. I changed the name to exclude the {Q} but nothing happened.
The visual indication in IM of master and version on thumb is not showing.
I attached a snip in the event I pasted in the spot.

Thanks for trying



After I sent the last reply I took out the slash after the Q and that worked.
So the code I used is :  ^(_*{name})[+\-_]*[0-9|a-z]*\{Q}\.(nks|jpg|jpeg|dng|tif|nef.dxo|nef.bib|nef.dop)$

Thank you


Ah, that's right I forgot the closing } doesn't need escaping.

I was going to suggest next that you go back to your original configuration and simply insert .* before the \. so it's like this:


But you have it working now, so no matter. :)


The { and } have a special meaning in regular expressions, especially when combined with certain lead-on characters.
This is why you have to use \ to 'escape' the special meaning of { and }.

I used this mask successfully:


which allows for an optional {Q} at the end of the file name, just before the extension.

Note: Using special characters like { or } in file names may cause issues with a variety of applications.
{ and } are also used by IMatch to indicate variables so you may run into issues with these file names, not sure.

Can't you configure QImage to append another suffix to your file name?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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QI has no way to change the file name that I can find. It's either a prefix or suffix to the file name.
I just tried the code you posted and that works also. I saved a tif and jpg in QI and both worked.

Thanks both for your help.


After working with QI I found a save as pop-up that allows me pick a folder and type in a file name.
From within IM I opened a previously saved jpg that was properly verioned with the Q in the name (ref. the issue above) and tried to save it again by adding the crop size of 11-14. I tried _11-14 before and after the Q within the name but IM versioning would not version it.

I also tried to save it without the Q using the _11-14 before the .jpg I also tried to save a jpg and psd version from PhotoShop and they would not version either.
My version and buddy link string is:

What did I mess up now?



If you add random suffices or prefixes to your file names, make sure you adapt the version mask accordingly.
The default mask handles standard file naming conventions (e.g. numbers of characters appended to the original file name).
We showed you how to add support for the proprietary {Q} you use for your file names.
Now you introduce yet another file naming schema...

Add your 11-14 in front of the {Q} when you save the file. Or update the regular expression to support yet another number of digits wherever you want.

BUT: Please sit down a moment and reconsider your file naming schema. Or use the IMatch Renamer to name your files properly. If QImage (which is a printing software) does not allow you to do this.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I took out the \{Q\})* syntax and went back to the version link of:

I then saved a file from LightRoom: 20200407-wost0120.NEF to 20200407-wost0120_11-14.jpg
IM did not version it and I created a manual version. But I don't under stand why when I was using a trial of DXO PL saving a file that inserted _dxo at the end of the file name and I could append the _11-14 to the name and it would version.

I am just trying to understand how this all works and trying to keep things simple but I don't have much knowledge of working with the syntax of these masks and how they work. Because I don't do a lot of printing I could rename a derivative jpg file in IM with the size in the name or create a label for the sizes I use.

Thanks for your understanding and help.


The mask you are using does not match the - between the 11-14.
You can try out your mask directly in the File Relations dialog (Test button).
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on July 17, 2020, 12:10:18 AM
The mask you are using does not match the - between the 11-14.
You can try out your mask directly in the File Relations dialog (Test button).

I looked at other names I had used and tested variations. I replaced the -  with x and that works. I also created labels to indicate sizes I use for printing and configured it in the thumb layout and that shows better than in the file name which is not always showing in a small thumb view.

Now I have options to figure into a workflow.

Thank you for your understanding and excellent support.