Double click to open file in Faststone?

Started by KarsVeling, August 06, 2020, 08:38:19 PM

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I use Imatch for categorising and finding photo's, but I use Faststone (and Adobe Photoshop) for other issues (quick copy and so on).
Is there a possibility to doubleclick on a thumbnail in Imatch and open the file in Faststone, instead of 'Photo'?
I have looked in the preferences and tried the help, I have put Faststone in my favorites (applications, but get an empty list with F3).
Thanks in advance, Kars


The double click or the corresponding keyboard shortcut opens the file with the officially associated application (the one you have configured in Windows for the file format). You can change that in Windows Explorer and in IMatch too.

But there are many other ways to open files from IMatch.

Please see the dedicated help topic:

Opening Files in Other Applications

which explains all the ways, from the File Window toolbar to the "Open with..." command to Favorites.


Hi Mario, Thanks for the quick and good answer. It seems I have not prepared my new computer well, but is can't blame Imatch for that :-)
Kind regards, Kars