easy search for date or year

Started by mic@micx.de, August 22, 2020, 06:52:14 PM

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When I work with the file window I usually have several thousand files with different dates of creation. I sort the file window by date.
What is the easiest way to find the pictures of a specific year, month or date, without scrolling through the window?
Is there a way to group the files per month?


This Workflow board is for giving other users tips. It is not for asking questions.
Tip: Check the board description visible under each board to decide where to post. If in doubt, posit in "General Discussion and Questions".

I will move your post to the this board now.


1. Why not use the Timeline View? It automatically arranges your files by year, month, day. See The Timeline View
You can also select multiple days/months/years and then maybe apply a filter or use the search bar further.
The Timeline View is designed to work with your files grouped by year, month, week, quarter, day.

2. Alternatively, you can use the Date filter in the filter panel to limit the File Window in any View to a certain date or date range. See  The Filter Panel

3. Alternatively, you can use the File Window search bar in any View to search for dates in the format YYYY:MM:DD.
Set the Search Bar to search "everywhere in metadata".  Then type in the date, e.g. 2020:08:22 to find all files from today. Or just search for 2020 to find all dates containing the term "2020" somewhere (which is usually the date).


Another option is to create Data Driven categories based on the variable - {File.DateTime|format:DDD} 

Replace DDD with MMM or YYY for month and year.

Then just drag the categories down to the Category Builder, select 'AND' then hit the button.

In the attached example I'm showing all the files taken in March 2013.


Thanks for your answers.
1. Timeline view
This is a great tool. However, is contains all pictures in my DB. Is it possible to restrict the timeline view to a specific folder? This would best suits my needs.
2. With the date filter it is easy filter a specific date. To filter a month or year I have to work with from-to, but this is clumsy. In timeline view the workflow is best.
3. With the search bar I get more results than I want.

I Have not worked with categories. I will try.
Thanks again


Quote1. Timeline view
This is a great tool. However, is contains all pictures in my DB. Is it possible to restrict the timeline view to a specific folder? This would best suits my needs.

I recommend using the Folder Filter in the Filter Panel. I've mentioned that above. Add the filter to the panel via the drop-down menu at the top: Showing and Hiding Filters

The Filter panel works in all Views, including the Timeline View. Select the scope (pick month or whatever) and then filter for files in a specific folder(s), category(s), rating, label, metadata values etc.

Understanding how to combine Views and the Filter panel is important and will allow you to work much more efficiently in IMatch.


Thank you. It works fine.
I did a lot of renaming, too -with "#yyyymmdd".
Now the search for a date,year or month in the search bar gives unique results.

I have another question with respect to renaming with variables. How do I get the separator between variable and argument (vertical bar)?


Not sure what you mean with "between variable and argument". Argument for what?

Usually you use a text step for variables. And you can mix text and variables freely.
Or add a separate text step only with - if you prefer.

It always helps if you provide an example, e.g. the variables you use, the output you want to create or a screen shot of the Renamer as you see it.


Quote from: mic@micx.de on August 24, 2020, 06:33:19 PM
I have another question with respect to renaming with variables. How do I get the separator between variable and argument (vertical bar)?
I am not sure what you mean exactly...
You mean where to find it on you keyboard? On a German one it is Alt GR+<. Or do you mean how to insert it after selecting a variable, e.g. {File.Created}? What the Variable Selector returns is really only a text string, so you can just start typing at the right place, {File.Created|format:YYYY-MM}. It is not a fixed token or something like that. The Variable Selector is only a helper tool to get the variable name. But you can also just type it.
Try you variable expressions in the VarToy App first - it is ideal to play around and see the results immediately.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Ah, silly me. "Vertical bar" as in pipe character | ?

As thrinn points out, this depends on the layout of your keyboard. Most keyboards have the pipe symbol somewhere.

You can always get it with

Hold down <Alt> and then press 0 1 2 4 on the numeric keypad. Release <Alt>.

If you have neither numeric keypad nor the | symbol on a key, ...  :-X

...you can copy/paste it from the IMatch help topic, e.g. from Variables which uses it everywhere.


Alt GR+< on a German Keyboard works. Thanks.
I will follow the other hints as well.


Usually German keyboards show the | (and @ and € and ...) on the key cap. At least my keyboards do  ;)


I do have it on my keyboard too. I have not noticed it, because the vertical line is broken: like --