Smooth scrolling with the mouse scroll wheel?

Started by thusband, September 10, 2020, 07:44:28 PM

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All the panels scroll smoothly when I click and drag but when I use the scroll wheel it's jerky. Is there a way to smooth it out? All my Google apps like Chrome, Gmail, Calendar, etc. are very smooth. Granted, my other photo processing applications are jerky too so maybe it's just a Google thing?


You scroll what in IMatch?
Do you mean scrolling a panel which has more content than height/width and shows a scroll bar and you put the mouse over the scroll bar and use the wheel?
This is standard scroll behavior in Windows. You might be able to change this via Windows settings or your mouse driver or whatever.
I must say when I scroll, for example, the Media & Folders View or the Catgeeory Panel, it scrolls quite smoothly.
The File Window always scrolls row-by-row.

When you mean "Google Apps" you mean something just running in your web browser (Google does not make real applications).
And some browsers based on Chromium implement what they call "soft scrolling" or whatever. I dunno.


OK thanks, I'll look at the mouse. Probably should have looked there first.