Try to extract the CreationDate from a GoPro 360 Video File

Started by Thargor, September 16, 2020, 04:15:11 PM

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I want to switch from Lightroom to IMatch as my DAM and try to find a solution how to handle my GoPro *.360 Video Files.

What I have done: Add .360 as file format -> .360 files are importet by IMatch

Next step is to make the original CreationDate/Time available in IMatch. I used the Metadata Analyst App to search for the "correct date" and found the date/time I want as a Quicktime Tag, for example here:

"QuickTime": {
        "CreateDate": {
          "id": 1,
          "table": "QuickTime::MovieHeader",
          "val": "2020:08:22 14:39:45"
        "ModifyDate": {
          "id": 2,
          "table": "QuickTime::MovieHeader",
          "val": "2020:08:22 14:39:45"

How can I access this data?
I tried to use the VarToy App and the "Search Variable" dialog suggest:
but nothing is shown.

What I am doing wrong?

Thank you very much for your help!


Are there any other file extensions used by this cameras?
I have added .360 as another video format extension to the IMatch configuration file for the  next release. This is better than a user format and I suggest you

a) Remove the files from your database
b) Remove the user format again
c) Make the change I´'ll explain to the config file.

Then re-import the files. This way it becomes a standard format and your setup will be compatible with the setup I ship with the next release.

Close IMatch.
Open the file ptpiconfig.xml (in the IMatch Program Files folder, subfolder config) in Windows Notepad and add


to the MCI group. Just search for .INSP in that file. Scroll down a bit and then add the new .360 extension


below the .INSP entry.
The file then should look like this


Save the file and restart IMatch. Rescan the folders with your video files. IMatch will bring in the files now automatically.

Importing the date:

1. IMatch automatically checks for a ton of possible date and time tags when it produces the standard File.DateTime it uses for display, the timeline etc.
See How IMatch uses Date and Time Information

The QuickTime movie headers are amonsgt the tags IMatch checks.
Is the File.DateTime IMatch displays e.g. in the File Window not correct?

The XMP created/subject created tags are usually filled by ExifTool during the import mapping, or by IMatch it ExifTool does not find anything. Are these timestamps empty in your database?

You can switch the Metadata Panel into the "Browser" layout to see all metadata IMatch has imported from your videos. Search for the info you need and then right-click to copy the corresponding variable into the clipboard.

If you don't see the data in the Metadata Panel, ExifTool has not delivered it or it is excluded in the Tag Manager.

It would be much easier if you could attach a small sample video (ZIPped, < 2MB) or give us a link where we can download one.
I don't know how the metadata of GoPro cameras looks (probably different for each model), what ExifTool can make of it etc.


I noticed another issue.

When IMatch asks ExifTool for a list of supported formats, the .360 extension is not in that list.
IMatch thus does not import metadata for this file. Which explains all other effects.
But when I run exiftool from the command line or via the ECP, it returns data.
I need to ask Phil (ExifTool author) about this.

When I fake the format (e.g. by renaming the .360 to .MP4), metadata is imported, the File.DateTime in IMatch is set correctly, the XMP date created/date subject created are filled by IMatch from the QuickTime data and all is well.


Wow, thank you so much for the very fast answer.

I send you an example .360 video file via support e-mail.

As you already analyzed, after the import, only a fraction of Tags are visible in the Metadata/Browser.
This is in contrast to the output of the exiftool output for "Metadata output":


As you already know where the problem is, i have high hopes, that there will be a solution in the near future.

But for me this would be only the first step. In my workflow I use the 360 video to make a conventional 2d video (mp4). Unfortunately during the processing/cutting/etc the metadata are lost. As far as I understood, it is possible to make a version stack in IMatch with the .360 and the .mp4 and use this stack to propagate creationdate/gpsposition from .360 to the .mp4 file. Am I correct?


Please do not copy/paste tons of Exiftool output into your posts.
This makes your posts nearly unreadable and is also bad for the community search engine and thus all community users.
Place the data into a text file and attach the file to your post. Thank you.


QuoteBut for me this would be only the first step. In my workflow I use the 360 video to make a conventional 2d video (mp4). Unfortunately during the processing/cutting/etc the metadata are lost. As far as I understood, it is possible to make a version stack in IMatch with the .360 and the .mp4 and use this stack to propagate creationdate/gpsposition from .360 to the .mp4 file. Am I correct?

1. Contact the vendor of the software you are using and ask them to keep the metadata alive. This is always the best solution. Because when an application writes a MP4 container, it can easily also include the XMP data (or even the proprietary Apple QuickTime data). Cleanest solution.

2. Keep in mind that metadata and video files is an even bigger mess than metadata and image files. Even less standards, even less vendors who give a sh*t about doing it right. XMP in sidecar files is your best bet here.

3. You can use file versioning to copy XMP data (including GPS and time information) from master files to versions. This way you can keep all the data you want, even if your editing workflow removes the metadata. See File Relations: Versioning for more information.


1) Is already done, but GoPro is selling the GoPro Max since 2019 and there windows software for cutting/reframing is still in a kind of beta status
2) I read the topics in the forum :-)
3) Unfortunately I don't find a solution to transfer the creation date. GPS Info is no problem, but the creation date/time isn't propagated even if i use "transfer all Metadata" or "all XMP" or any other combination in the Versioning Tab. I just want to move the mp4 file to the right position if i sort by time&date.

How does IMatch determine the Date&Time Variable? There a so many Date/Timecodes in the Metadata, which is used in the first place, which is used in the second place and so on?

Thank you very much!


IMatch currently does not import any metadata from your .360 files. See my detailed explanation above.
Since it does not import anything, it cannot copy anything.

Rename one of your .360 files to .MP4 and then force a reload of the metadata via Shift+Ctrl+F5.
Now IMatch imports all metadata (because .MP4 is in the list of supported formats from ExifTool). You will see that the timestamps are correct in the Metadata Panel, all the QuickTime data, GPS data etc. is there.

We have to wait until I get feedback from Phil about when ExifTool will report .360 as a supported format. IMatch cannot fake this.
I'm already in contact with Phil, but different time-zones and all that.

QuoteHow does IMatch determine the Date&Time Variable?

I have linked the info in my initial reply above. This variable is based on File.DateTime, which is normally created during import. But is not for your .360 proprietary format because ExifTool does not report them as officially supported hence IMatch does not import metadata hence only the "last modified on disk" timestamp is available and this is what will be used.


I used the Exiftool Commandprocessor to create an XMP Sidecar file with all the metadata from the .360 file ("XMP-Datei erstellen"). So IMatch knows now the metadata and propagate this metadata to the mp4 file (for example GPS information).
But I don't find a possibility to propagate the Date/Time from the .360 file (which is shown in IMatch) to the mp4 file.
If I interpret Marios answer correctly this is currently not possible, because the date/time is only set during import and not by version propagation. Am I correct?


I would advise against such experiments. The XMP file you have produced is surely different from one IMatch would produce, and this may lead to subtle errors or break something in the future...

Propagation takes place when IMatch writes back the master. After the master file has been written, IMatch copies the propagated data from the master file to the version file. All this is done via ExifTool proper, and hence it cannot work in your scenario. Since ExifTool does not report .360 as formatted, IMatch does not touch the files and does not process them via ExifTool.

Please relax and wait until ExifTool officially supports the proprietary GoPro .360 file format.
As soon as it does, all related features in IMatch will work like for any other image or video format.
All the fiddling and trying will do nothing except wasting time.

Not sure what's so special about the .360 format or why we need yet another video format.
I have contacted Phil from ExifTool, provided some sample files and info. He will look into it.


Ok, you convinced me ...  i will wait  ;D
Thank you very much for your commitment. I know this is a really special case, that is only useful for very few people.