Category is in error

Started by musashi77, September 26, 2020, 08:00:00 AM

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Only new to iMatch, so having been busily getting my images imported. Ive reached my first level of 50K (2019 & 2020) and now I intend to start focus on ratings, key wording and face recognition etc..
Last night I started to get involved with creating some basic category, coming from Lightroom I'm used to heavily using the smart collections so need some practice using the formulas within iMatch. After some trial and error I manage to find a formula for [Child 1 + Child 2 + 5 star rating] or [Parent 1 + Child 1 + Child 2 + 5 star rating] etc.... and vice versa [Child 1 + Child 2 + No star rating]. So after creating a few combinations and testing that everything was working fine I proceeded to spend the next few hours going through and adding ratings to a log photos.
When I decided to call it quits for the night I noticed that all my categories were appearing with the little icon that the manual describes as "This category is in error. Most likely the category formula is invalid". Was strange as I know from the trial and error and the subsequent ratings I had gone through I had proven that the formulas were working well, so I disregarded it and figured Ill look at it later. I performed the Write-back for all the changes I made and went to bed. In the morning I noticed the categories were still incorrect on only some of my categories  so proceeded to run a database diagnostics. The diagnostics came up clean, and now (after a few restarts) my categories appear to be fine however its now all the pre-configured iMatch categories that are appearing with the error icon, all the files appear under the category (see screenshot) is this normal, is there something I need to consider to avoid this?


Mees Dekker

Hi Daniel,

I think you are mistaken here. The icon seems to me to indicate that this is a "sealed" category. The icon for "Category in error" is a little different.
See also


Category Icons documents which icons have which meaning.
It it sometimes a bit difficult to distinguish (depends on your screen resolution an size) between the icons, especially if you are new to IMatch. The red blotch of the IMatch Standard/Workflow categories shows that they are sealed. This is different from the red stop sign for categories in error.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


See: Category Icons

You can also see if a category is sealed by looking at the Sealed property:

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thanks for quick replies...Yeah your all absolutely spot on, it is actually the sealed icon.

So I do believe my original ones were showing up as category error, cause at the time they were no longer showing an images within the category. I guess they cleared up with the Database diagnostic I did and a glance view made me think the error had changed to different spot. 

So much to learn with this application, can't wait to have all my workflows up and running and really start taking advantage of all the features.