Search for folders that is not events

Started by frlindla, October 22, 2020, 11:01:10 PM

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Is it possible to search for all folders that have no event created? I have used the create events for selected folders command. But I am not sure about all folders, so a search or filter for this could be fine.


There is no such dedicated search.

I understand you want to find all folders not used in an event? Why?

If you use the "Events" Filter Panel and select all events, and then invert the Filer Panel (using the funnel button in the Filter Panel toolbar) you can see if a folder contains files that are part of an event.
If the folder shows no files, none of the files in the folder is part of an event.
If this helps what you are trying to do.


Simple reason: Because I want to see which folders I haven`t created events for.


??? Why would you want to create an event for each folder?????
I suspect there are better ways to do what you want.


Not all folders, but folders which contain photos I want to create an event for. Events are a nice way to show my photos:)


Quote from: Mario on October 22, 2020, 11:10:59 PM
There is no such dedicated search.

I understand you want to find all folders not used in an event? Why?

If you use the "Events" Filter Panel and select all events, and then invert the Filer Panel (using the funnel button in the Filter Panel toolbar) you can see if a folder contains files that are part of an event.
If the folder shows no files, none of the files in the folder is part of an event.
If this helps what you are trying to do.

So I guess, this is at least one good solution.

Say, I would to know, what folder has no stars.
I do not know, but I guess, I would the same way go like Mario explained above for events.

And then I would add a remark (e.g. in the description of each folder) in each folder, if I add stars (or events) into this folder.

OR I would create a file, what is at first place in a folder (e.g. with sorting and a filename like __xxx) and place a copy of this file (with a nice thumbnail and the meaning, this folder has stars (events) in each folder.
So you know later exactly, if a folder has events or not.

just my thoughts, what came just now in my mind.  8)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I've created a small script to deal with this. I've found this quite interesting  ;)


1. Download the attached ZIP and unpack it.
2. Copy the file event-folders.html into the C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\webroot\user folder on your computer.
3. Open your web browser and navigate to this URL:

This produces a list of all folders used for events, and all folders not used for events.

Use Ctrl+F5 to refresh the browser after you have created additional events from folders to update the lists.


I am impressed by your excellent  support Mario!


Spread the word! Let others know about IMatch. They may also be impressed  ;)


This looks cool, but when I tried it I only got a listing of folders w/o Events; the listing for folders w/ Events was blank although I've got five sets of Events that include quite a few folders...



The code works by checking the "ScopeType" of the Event... if you create an event by right clicking a folder in your Media & Folders panel, then it will appear because the "ScopeType" of that event will be "Folder".  If you create events by adding files (ScopeType="files") or by a date range (ScopeType="date"), then you will get blank folders as indicated. 

Hope this helps!

