App Pinnboard - using shortcuts for moving files to different folders

Started by imfan, October 30, 2020, 11:10:07 AM

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I am very often using the App "Pinnboard".

While sorting and moving pics into folders, it would be very helpful to select a picture in the App "Pinboard"  and use the shortcut  Strg+X   and Strg+V  to move the picture to a new folder.


Have you used the The IMatch Clipboard? This makes it easy to move, copy files between folders.

The Pinboard App is mostly a visual gimmick, an app example to show how to work with drag and drop etc.


This is not an option for me, since the collection in "iMatch Clipboard" is gone, ones iMatch is closed.


Tip: You can persist the files in the Clipboard into a category. Just create a category, switch to it in the Category View and then click on "Assign" in the clipboard.


And just to be sure, you know of course the possibility to use the icon above each file in the pinboard!?
There you can go to the folder and you could move the file there easy.

The file in the pinboard will also have the new folder, of course.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


@ Mario
Thanks for the hint about the work around and the category/persistence - I did try and the new cat works great.

Though, the "iMatch Clipboard" does not allow me to move single (selected) files.

There is only one option: move/copy  ALL.

So this will also not work for me.

What I was looking for is  to find is a     pool     where I can drop and move files into/to other folder (mouse or short keys). If "iMatch Clipboard" would allow single files to be selected - then it would be the perfect way to use it.



I have pictures and several folders and groups - hardly any new pictures are imported in my database.

Sometime I go through folders and see pictures, which I would like to move to another folder - later on. Sometimes I find pictures where (at this very moment) I have no clue where to move them. So I "move" them into a pool (up to know the Pinboard).

Whenever I have time again or an idea, I take picture/s from the pool (Pinboard) and move them into the proper folder.

Years ago, when the Pinboard App was not available, I created a category by the name "to sort". But having the advantage of a small window at the right (Pinboard) looking at the picture thumbs instead of going to the category /change windows to see the pictures) was big help - though moving picture from the Pinboard was/is time consuming.

So, if this can be described as a  "workflow" - that´s it.


I have added this for the next release.
Two new buttons "Copy", "Cut" in the toolbar. And Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X as keyboard shortcuts.


Tip: You can drag individual files from the IMatch clipboard onto a folder or File Window to move it. Hold down CTRL to copy it.