thumbnail text

Started by timoteo, November 19, 2020, 04:43:52 AM

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My images all show text above and below the thumbnail - the Date Taken field from the image EXIF data and the file name. Can I change any of this? I've been using C1 and LR which let you change some of this stuff.  I currently have C1 showing shutter speed, f-stop, ISO, and file name (split over the top and bottom of the photo). I belive LR lets me change this too but it's been quite awhile since i used LR.


I assume you are referring to the File Window? File Windows Layouts are highly customizable. Just have a look at the help to get an overview what is possible. You can choose any of the shipped sample layouts, adapt them, or create you own layouts. Using the Simple Layout Editor (easier to use, but somewhat limited) or the Full Layout Editor.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


If what you want is what is in the file attached , the answer is yes you can.
This is my layout for photos. I have another one for MP3 and videos. You can build one the way you want.


Quote from: timoteo on November 19, 2020, 04:43:52 AM
My images all show text above and below the thumbnail - the Date Taken field from the image EXIF data and the file name. Can I change any of this? I've been using C1 and LR which let you change some of this stuff.  I currently have C1 showing shutter speed, f-stop, ISO, and file name (split over the top and bottom of the photo). I belive LR lets me change this too but it's been quite awhile since i used LR.

For starters, just click into the header (above the thumbnail). This brings up the The Simple Layout Editor
If you don't know about this, I recommend reading the File Window help topic. Just click into the File Window and press <F1>.
IMatch has a massive number of features. It can easily do what the other applications you mention can do and then it gets better and better: The Full Layout Editor

But you cannot figure this out by yourself. IMatch has a very good help system. Use it.


Just to add - you can even include graphics in the layout.  In one of my layouts I have two little icons which tell me that the Description (Caption) and Keyword fields are empty.  As soon as I enter anything the relevant icon will disappear so I get an instant visual reference if I've missed any.

In the footer I can display the number of keywords.

The 'Caption limit' changes from 'OK'  to 'Over!' if I enter over 150 characters (the photo agency Alamy has a 150 limit for the caption).  Again an instant visual reference.

I wonder if C1 or LR will allow this level of customisation.

PS - The 'Supertags' is another Alamy thing - you can select 10 keywords as Supertags (on their website) which get priority in their search engine.  I just enter 'Completed' when I've done them.


Gosh! IMatch is so cool! Users can do awesome things with it...


Quote from: Mario on November 19, 2020, 04:34:22 PM
Gosh! IMatch is so cool! Users can do awesome things with it...

With a lot of helpful hints from you..... :)


Since we are sharing layout designs (and icons!) - I figured I'd join the party and show off.. this is my layout that I've developed over years of play... bottom row of icons represents things like location data, descriptions, GPS info, rating, keyword info (with # of keywords)...  grey icons mean no data exists... color icons mean the image has this data. 

So much you can do with IMatch!


Impressive stuff!  You've given me some ideas there - never thought of having things change colour, I shall have to have a play....


You can do a lot with file window layouts, XAML formatting and variables.

I've designed and implemented these features for IMatch 5 (!) ;) and there seems to be no limit of what users do with it.
From super-simple (just picking from the standard attributes provided) to sophisticated layouts with icons, dynamic colors and stuff.


Well as long as we're doing file window show and tell here's an example of mine.

The top header is the file name.
Second row from the top shows the long format of the date the photo was taken.

Below the thumbnail image the first footer is a custom template that shows the location of the image.  Note to save screen space I'm replacing certain terms with abbreviations, in the attached image I replace the words National Park with just NP.

The second footer shows the sublocation within the location of the image.

The third footer has the city and state on the left and the index count on the right.  Once again my layout replaces the long names of states with 2 character abbreviations (instead of Alaska it displays AK).


Very interesting, John. What kinds of things do the color bars represent?


Quote from: jch2103 on November 20, 2020, 12:46:58 AM
Very interesting, John. What kinds of things do the color bars represent?

My color coded categories, you can enable the category bar in the file layout configuration.