EXIF Image rotation

Started by Aubrey, November 20, 2020, 01:08:17 PM

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I have tried to rotate a NEF or TIF file using:
Rightmouse, rotate and transform -> orientation (EXIF) -> Rotate 90 deg CW.
I get the message "This command can only be applied to jpg files".

This used to be available for RAW files...

Using 2020.11.2



This feature has been limited (and documented) to JPEG images a couple of versions ago.
A user has reported that rotating a TIFF that way damaged the file and since I could not figure out how this could happen, I restricted this to JPEG files only. And JPEG files are usually the only files where you face a wrong orientation - because the camera could not decide which orientation is correct.

TIFF files are usually not created by a camera but are a product of an image application or maybe a scanner.
You can easily open the TIFF file in the image processor, rotate it as needed and re-save it. This is lossless.
If this is a big problem because you have hundreds of TIFF files, you can use ExifTool directly to change the EXIF orientation (from the command line or the ECP). Let us know if you need assistance or a link for that.


Quote from: Mario on November 20, 2020, 01:47:33 PM
This feature has been limited (and documented) to JPEG images a couple of versions ago.
A user has reported that rotating a TIFF that way damaged the file and since I could not figure out how this could happen, I restricted this to JPEG files only. And JPEG files are usually the only files where you face a wrong orientation - because the camera could not decide which orientation is correct.
Never had an issue with rotation of raw( NEF) images (or tiffs). I agree that there are packages for rotation of tiff files.

I have images of A3 pages which were photographed in landscape mode (NEF files). However the text is set up for portrait mode. I used to just rotate these images... Now I have to go through 3rd party package to rotate, and in fact lose the NEF extension. (Oh yes I could install the Nikon software, but this creates sub-directories for their sidecar files etc.)

It would be better to have not allowed tiff to be rotated rather than ONLY allowing jpg to be rotated... !

What is the command in ECP to rotate. If I remember correctly it is a numerical value depending on the rotation.



OK  figured out the ECP
-orientation#=integer value, depending on rotation required.


NEF uses the same structure as TIFF.
I've spent a while at the time when this problem was reported but could only figure out that the problem was most likely caused by metadata mapping between XMP and EXIF and TIFF and that this was causing the problem. I did not spent more time but disabled it for all formats except JPEG. This was several months ago, no complaints since then. This shows me that this is a rarely used feature for a anything other than JPG.


Quote from: Mario on November 20, 2020, 03:03:52 PM
NEF uses the same structure as TIFF.
I learn something every day, and that's good.

Quote from: Mario on November 20, 2020, 03:03:52 PM
I've spent a while at the time when this problem was reported but could only figure out that the problem was most likely caused by metadata mapping between XMP and EXIF and TIFF and that this was causing the problem. I did not spent more time but disabled it for all formats except JPEG. This was several months ago, no complaints since then. This shows me that this is a rarely used feature for a anything other than JPG.
Agreed. I also had some old files where rotation was wrong, this occurred about 9 years ago. I think it was problems with capture NX. Anyway using the exif tool have sorted these out.

No need to spend any time on the issue for me. I have a workaround for the VERY infrequent time that I need it. Time can be better spent on something else.

Thanks again for the prompt response.



Is it possible to add a comment within the ECP arguments, I can't see any reference to comments in the help file. My work around currently is in the title.

It would be nice to define the numbers used in the orientation. So I just set up one "shortcut" and substitute the numbers as my needs... of course I could use the IMatch notepad.

//comment here would be nice


Aubrey I don't remember where I learned this but beginning a line with # works as a comment for me in the ExifTool command processor.

# This is a comment


It works!
When I read the help file and there was a discussion of placing the following in the first line:
# im-warn

This threw me off the scent of trying the number sign!
