search function

Started by MichaelR, June 27, 2013, 08:35:53 AM

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I have the impression the 'search' function also includes the folder names in the search. Can the folder names be excluded from the search?

For example a search on 'Washington' will include all images from the folder 'Washington Post'




There are about a dozen search functions in IMatch. Which one do you refer to?


Media & Folders has a search bar on the top.


I assume you mean the search bar in the toolbar above the file window?

This bar uses the IMatch search engine which works on selected tags in the metadata. It does not look at folder names. Maybe there is something in the metadata contained in your files which resembles the folder name?

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: MichaelR on June 27, 2013, 09:22:51 AM
Media & Folders has a search bar on the top.

Or do you mean this here, see image:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote: 'I assume you mean the search bar in the toolbar above the file window?'

Yes this is correct.

I will try to find the reason of the issue.



The search results include the words in the folder names.



You are right. The File Folder is part of the IMatch metadata (you will also find it when you use the Search function in the Metadata Panel when the Browser layout is selected.

You can limit which metadata is searched in the search bar as described in the corresponding help topic (Press <F1> while the cursor is in the search bar edit field). Did you try that? When you search all metadata, the folder name will be searched too.