Filtering files by size

Started by hscheele, December 19, 2020, 10:08:30 PM

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Dear all,

Probably silly questions from a new user, but struggling already several days after searching iMatch's online help and Google in general.

Problem: Having thumbs and cache JPG files with a size of usually 4-8 k. Cannot find a description how to use the filter panel to activate "File size" so that there is any reaction in "File window" panel. But this is so basic that i cannot believe to search the help for such a basic function.

Any suggestions from the seniors of the forum ;-)

Best regards,



If you're trying to activate the filter to check for file sizes, use the Orientation and Dimensions filter (see screenshot). But I'm not sure if that's exactly what you want to do.


Welcome to IMatch Hartmut!

And if you want to use the filter to only show files between 2 different file sizes, file sizes meaning the actual file sizes in bytes not dimensions (you mentioned 4-8k), then go to the filter panel configuration and check the box for file size.

After that you can filter the file window files by file size in bytes.

For example in my screenshot I'm filtering my file window for files between 38,000,000 bytes (36mb) and 40,000,000 bytes (38mb).

The following help page explains how to use the filter.


When you use a filter, don't forget to enable it via the checkbox in the caption (blue bar in the screen shot above).
Do you mean file size (in bytes on disk) or image dimensions (width and height in pixel)? You mention 4k and 8k, which sounds more like you mean image dimensions.


Dear all,

Sorry for not following up to the discussion: Didn't see that there were no notifications by responses to me even when I started the thread  :o

Thanks for the useful comments, but it seems that the file window list is only being updated when acting on the File Manager.

  • What I need is acting on changes related to filters as the scenario attached. Here for example, I want to filter for any file with a file size between 300-400 k (means 307.200 and 409.600 bytes).

  • Similary I need to see only files with JPG extension,which is adressed by the other attachment.

@ JohnZeman: Surely tried to find the solution on the help page. But found nothing what makes filtering work
@ Mario: I tried so. But please check screenshots if I don't get it right
@ jch2103: Seems that I wasn't clear on my description. Sorry for that

// Hartmut


You have disabled the filter panel. The orange "Filter Panel" entry in the filter list is not checked - thus the Filter Panel does nothing.
Make sure to keep this checked if you want the Filter Panel to have an effect.

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Thanks Mario,

Obvisiously I didn't read the help file carefully enough. Works this way ;-)

// Hartmut