Create new folder

Started by zematima, January 05, 2021, 10:50:56 AM

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Hi all:
A simple question.
I know how to create a new folder of an existing one.
But how can I create a folder on the main tree inside IMatch?
For instance Fotos 21? (Just bellow Fotos 20)
Thanks in advance.


I do not know a way.

I do simply add in these (rare) cases add a folder inside another one and then move the folder.
A bit akward, but it works.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Hi sinus:
I already tried that, but when I drag the new folder to the main node (Fotos) IMatch doesn't allow it.
I know I can do that in Explorer , but it was easier inside IMatch.
Thanks anyway.


Quote from: zematima on January 05, 2021, 11:12:16 AM
Hi sinus:
I already tried that, but when I drag the new folder to the main node (Fotos) IMatch doesn't allow it.
I know I can do that in Explorer , but it was easier inside IMatch.
Thanks anyway.

Uh, yes, JRosa, you are right, sorry.
Yep, it seems, that inside IMatch, this is not possible?!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


F: is a virtual drive node, to collect all folders you have added from that drive.
You cannot create a new folder for a drive, only based on an existing folder.

If you want to create a folder in the root folder of drive F: (or inside a folder you have not indexed in IMatch), just to so in Windows Explorer, then drag the newly created folder from Windows Explorer into IMatch to index it.


Created the folder Fotos 21, on drive F:, and then dragged it inside Fotos.
Must write what I have done, otherwise next year I am asking the same... (Every year I create a new folder)
Thanks Mario.


The IMatch Notepad is a great place to store this kind of "How-To" information. Directly in IMatch. Just remember to look there first.
I keep all kinds of workflow steps, often used or complex variables etc. in this app. Very handy.


If you create a root folder on fotos drive F: and add it to your IMatch database, then move all of your Fotos 1, Fotos 2, Fotos 3 folders and so on so they are subfolders of the root folder, then it's easy to create a new folder each year.  With IMatch simply right click the folder you want to create a new subfolder in and choose the option to create it.

Attached is a screen shot of my IMatch folder tree and all it takes for me to create a new subfolder of my Years root folder.


This is a good approach, and it keeps the root folder nice and clean.


Thanks JohnZeman for sharing your workflow.
Just did what you said.
Much easier to create new folders every year.