RTF Quick Preview in iMatch?

Started by Mike, January 16, 2021, 09:18:37 PM

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TXT can be previewed in Explorer and in the quick view in iMatch, RTF only in Explorer.
Is there a way to see it in iMatch's Quick Viewer too?

I've tried Wordpad and LibreOffice as the default apps for the format but haven't been successful.


So far, I haven't found any other way than converting RTF files to formats that can be viewed.


RTF is such an old Microsoft format...

And when I recall correctly back from the day, the RTF viewer support library provided Windows (RichTextEdit) was buggy and crashing often (which is why I did not support it in the Quick Preview Panel).
RTF files may also contain many vulnerabilites due to OLE and I'm not sure if Microsoft really makes their RFT controls and WordPad bullet proof against malicious documents. This is such an old and rarely used format.

I don't know how many RTF files you have and why you need to preview them in IMatch.
You can always associate the RTF format with Windows WordPad (if not already linked) and then you can open your RTF files from IMatch via <Ctrl>+<Enter> or the toolbar button in the File Window.


I decided to convert all of the RTF files to newer formats that are easier to view in iMatch.
There are several thousand analytical reports that were created a long time ago and still contain valuable information.

But the conversion seems to be working fine ... so everything is OK.

Thanks for the feedback