Time information from video files

Started by vpv, December 13, 2020, 09:06:02 PM

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I have issues with time information when I get video files inside iMatch
I have it with files from an old Sony camcorder and from Nikon z50. See example.
From file information - files on the card - information are correct

See attached screenshots


Start with: How IMatch uses Date and Time Information
Check the metadata contained in your video files in IMatch (Metadata Panel, Browser layout).
Your screen shot shows Windows Explorer's file system timestamps, which may differ from the metadata actually included in your video files.


Thank you, Mario!

I checked. Now I stuck. Looks like time is without "-5" local time adjustment
How I can you the proper time with Renamer?


EXIF metadata usually does not have time-zone information.
If you need to shift the date and time, the Time Wiz app is the best option.
I don't understand what you want to do with the Renamer...?


Hi Mario,

My goal to have a name in the following format: YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-xxxx - 20201212-182123-0090.MOV
But as the actual time was 13:21:23 (not 18:21:23) I am getting the wrong name. I need it for consistency with other images I have since the beginning of 200x. And for video, it let me easier to see names in the video editor arranged by date-time the record started.


Have you tried to correct the wrong time stamps in the TimeWiz? Then your Renamer profile would work correctly automatically.
The Renamer or variables cannot do date and time arithmetic to shift date and time information (it's not as easy as adding a value to the hour).


Yes, I did. It changed time and after a few moments the time is getting back... I could not explain it


I wrote Time Wiz several times, and even included a link to the help topic for the app.
You show us a screen shot of the command that can be used to fix timestamps in EXIF records contained in JPEG files. This tool is old, not recommended to use for anything other than updating EXIF data in JPEG files and the TimeWiz is superior. You don't even know if your video files contain EXIF data and if, how compatible to EXIF it is.

Again, use the TimeWiz to fix the proper XMP timestamps IMatch is using. Don't experiment with legacy EXIF stuff. You are wasting time.


I am really sorry, Mario.
As I understand after thorough research, the Time Wiz app was introduced in the 2020 version. I am on the 2019.8.4 version. I had no idea, that the solution I am looking for was introduced after I got the last update from my licence. I'm not even able to login into Customer Portal with my License Key


All users with a valid license key can log into the customer portal and download the software for which they have a license.
If you cannot log in, send me your email and license key to my email address (support email address) and I'll check it.

Note that support for IMatch 2019 has been discontinued. You have received a number of emails from me over the past year.
Your upgrade discount will be voided as soon as IMatch 2021 is released.

If you have no TimeWiz, you can set the date and time manually in the Metadata Panel, "Default" layout.