Apply button is always greyed out in preferences

Started by photophart, February 08, 2021, 06:37:27 PM

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Having created some nice metadata templates I find I am unable to apply them to selected photos in the file window. In "preferences", "metadata templates" the apply button is always grayed out. In fact the apply button seems to be permanently grayed out no mater what I try to change in any of the preferences tabs. I assume I am missing some very simple bit of knowledge about how preferences work but I've scoured the help file so long I can't see the forest for the trees. Could someone point me in the proper direction?
Regards, Mark


Not sure, if I get you right.

Using Metadata-Template you can for example use it like in my attachement.
Or add them as favourites and use there with a click.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


OK, so I've discovered the apply button is usually grayed out for most preferences. How then do I apply a chosen metadata temple to an image or images. The list of metadata temples in the dropdown selector does not show all the templates I have available, only the first 30 templates?


Apologies for wasting your time. I've found the magic of adding templates to favorites for one-click metadata adding. Simple once you see it.
Regards, Mark


Quote from: photophart on February 08, 2021, 06:46:05 PM
OK, so I've discovered the apply button is usually grayed out for most preferences. How then do I apply a chosen metadata temple to an image or images. The list of metadata temples in the dropdown selector does not show all the templates I have available, only the first 30 templates?
Most changes to global preferences cannot be applied on-the-fly, hence the button is grayed out in these cases.

To apply a metadata template, either

1. Use the Commands menu > Metadata Templates command
2. Use the button in the Metadata Panel toolbar
3. Create a Favorite for your Metadata Templates
4. Automatically apply a Metadata Template during import

All these methods are explained in the Metadata Template help topic: Applying Templates in the IMatch Help System.