Some Problem with the Text-Export

Started by voronwe, February 12, 2021, 07:58:35 PM

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I have some issues with the Text-Export, but maybe I'm searching on the wrong place

1) How can I save my settings (see attached Image). The "Aktuelle Speichern" is allways greyed out

2) When pressing the Formular-Button, it seems that I can only select one element at one time. Is there a way to select multiple elements?

3) The output of the Shutter-Speed is incorrect, resp. there are too less digits there.  The Speed is printed out like e.g. 0,03, which is probably 1/30s. Everything faster than 1/100s is printed as 0,00
as well as

4) The Position is given as e.g. "48 deg 20' 57.05" N, 9 deg 6' 29.91" E". Is there a way to get it in Decimal numbers, e.g. 48.34 9.108

5) It seems that there is a mixture between . and , in the output:
Aperature: 22.0
Focusal length: 32,00
Shutter: 0,03
Seconds in Position: 57.05

It should be good to allways use "."  because this is the easiest way to read it in other programms.

Version: IMatch 2020.14.2



Input -> to UTF-16:
Beschreibung: {File.MD.XMP::dc\description\Description\0}
Dateiname: {File.NameExt}
Titel: {File.MD.XMP::dc\title\Title\0}
Ersteller: {File.MD.XMP::dc\creator\Creator\0}
Kamera: {\1510\cameraname\0}
Objektiv: {\2900\lens\0}
Brennweite: {File.MD.Exif::Main\37386\FocalLength\0}
Blende: {File.MD.Composite\Exif-Aperture\Aperture\0}
Belichtungszeit: {File.MD.Composite\Exif-ShutterSpeed\ShutterSpeed\0}
ISO: {File.MD.Exif::Main\34855\ISO\0}
Land: {}
Ort: {}
Position: {File.MD.gpsposition}

Output: see attachment imatch.txt


1. Create at least a second preset. It seems you have deleted all standard presets?

2. The Variables button allows you to add one variable at a time.

3. This is to be expected with the way you use the variable. This variable and tag value is even used in the Variables help topic to explain the difference between the RAW and formatted values.
Search for the word shutter in the online help or just go to Metadata Variables: Formatted and Raw
You should use the proper formatting, like {File.MD.Composite\Exif-ShutterSpeed\ShutterSpeed\0|value:formatted}

4. Sure. Please read the Variables help topic to learn how to format variables in any way you like.
As for your question 3 above, a quick look into the help would have solved the problem. Because GPS coordinates are also uses as examples in the variables help topic. Just search for GPS on that page.

5. As explained in the Variables help topic, variables by default use the user-specific date, time and number formats as set in Windows. See the Variable help topic for more information. You have configured Windows to use German date, time and number formatting, and IMatch applies that.


Hello Mario

thanks for this information it helps a lot. But please let me give some thought as a occasional user:

1) It worked, but the handling seems a little bit strange to me. Where there presets? I never deleted them or at least not willingly

2) Not that nice, but I can live with this. Can I suggest a little easier to use UI for this as an Item on a whishlist for future releases.

3) Thanks for this link, it makes it more understandable.

5) Ok, I changed my Windows to "." and then it works. However, before I did this, the only one which was using the "," was the Focusal length , the Aperature and the Koordinates where using the "."
Also in the Camera Dashboard, everything (including the Focusal length) where using the "."
This seems inconsistent to me, because either IMatch should use the Windows presets in all circumstances or not at all.
Attached is a picture for what I mean (Why is "Height" set with a ","). In the eand this should be all real values.


1. I have no idea. IMatch creates a number of presets the first time the text export is used.
2. Compose complex variable expressions in the Var Toy.
5. Metadata mess. It depends on how the metadata standard involves types things, how ExifTool types things etc. Some are text, some are numbers, some are binary, some are..
The VarToy and IMatch#s powerful formatting functions for variables allow you to solve all this. Always prefer to use the Metadata Tag ShortCodes were applicable.