synchronizing folders and categories

Started by neal, February 28, 2021, 10:18:13 AM

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Is there a way to automatically synchronize all my folder contents with all my categories? For example, when I add or delete files from folders, these changes should reflect in categories. The categories already have all the files from the folders but do not necessarily exactly reflect the folders. Am I clear?


I assume you talk about categories to which you have manually assigned files from one or more folders?
When you remove a file from the database (delete it), IMatch automatically removes the file from all categories.
But IMatch does not (and cannot) update categeories with manually assigned files just because you add files to a folder, or add new folders to your database. How could IMatch now.

I assume you want to create categories which contain the same files as one or more folders.
Any which are dynamically updated when you change the contents of folders?

In that case, don't manually assign files to these categories. Use a @Folder[] or one of its variants instead.

Note: Make sure not to mix formulas with manual assignments.
Don't just add a folder formula to one of your existing categories without un-assigning manually assigned files before - else the results may be wrong.

If you  have not used category formulas before, start with Category Formulas and probably also read Data-driven Categories.

These are superior IMatch concepts you won't find in other software and which are probably new to you.
Well worth knowing and a big help for many workflows.


Yes, they are all manually done, dragging folders onto the categories with the same name as the folder.
Use a @Folder[] or one of its variants instead.
Could you give me an example? Suppose I have a database called "New" with many subfolders and sub-sub folders. I want to create all of those as categories that will update automatically when the contents in folders change and have the same names and hierarchical structure as the folders. I did read the recommended help material, but it still seems difficult.


QuoteCould you give me an example?

I did already. Did you bother to check out the documentation I've linked to in my replace above (the underlined text in blue)?
The IMatch help system for category formulas has many examples and images to explain this.

Also, when you drag a folder to the Category View, IMatch already gives you all the options you need:

QuoteI want to create all of those as categories that will update automatically when the contents in folders change

Why would you do such a thing? What is the purpose?
This sounds as if you want to duplicate your folder structure in categories, which is redundant and a lot of extra work for you and IMatch...


Yes, it does seem so. I'll have to give it some thought. Thanks.

Carlo Didier

Quote from: neal on February 28, 2021, 01:35:23 PM
Yes, they are all manually done, dragging folders onto the categories with the same name as the folder.
So you have a category for each folder? If that's the case, what's the use?
If you add files to folders, iMatch automatically picks them up and shows them in the folders. No need for a category for each folder.

But maybe I don't understand the purpose of your approach.


Firstly, how do I unassign categories that have been manually created?


To un-assign images from a category, select the images in the File Window in the Category View and press <U>.
Or un-check the box in front of the category when you use the Category Panel.

As always, the IMatch Help System is your friend: Un-assigning (Removing) Files from a Category