Adding GPS location

Started by jln, March 04, 2021, 01:00:18 AM

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I'm a brand new user of iMatch. I have tried to research an answer to the question in the help without success. Forgive me if the answer should be obvious.

I want to add a new GPS location to some files that don't have it. I have the Google maps key, and I have activated the Maps Javascript API and the Altitude API. I know the address of the location I want to add to the files. I cannot figure out how to turn an address, number, street, city, state/country to a location that can be assigned to a file. I'm also a little unsure whether doing this just puts latitude and longitude in the Exif fields or if it also adds the address to keywords or something else

Here is what I have tried all in the maps panel:
Clicking search, entering my desired address there, and pressing enter. Nothing happens. Nothing happens even if I put just a city name. It's as if there should be a button to start the search that I can't find.
I have tried clicking the "locations" button. That seems to enable me to edit an existing location but not add a new one.

From the help, I think that if I placed a marker on the map, it would create a location. But hand-scrolling the map and search for the address can't be the only way. I realize I need to get the latitude and longitude for my address. I can do that by opening Google maps in another window, but there must be a way within iMatch to do that.

I very much appreciate any help you can give.


Which search provider have you enabled for the search?
The search is immediate (while you type) and you can place the target marker by clicking on one of the addresses shown. See Searching in the Map Panel

When you assign the target marker location to a file, IMatch copies the GPS coordinates into the metadata of the file.
If you have enabled automatic reverse geocoding under Edit > Preferences > Geo & Maps, IMatch automatically looks up the location data (country, city, location, ...) for the coordinates and copies them into the metadata.

You can also manually reverse geocode one or more files by using Reverse Geocoding


I'm still not getting it. I'm attaching a screen shot of Find in the map panel and of the map configuration in Preferences. I get the same result if I put in only a city name, such as London. I also get the same result if I use


Have you enabled the reverse geocoding API for your Google account?
Please do some searches with Google and then check the IMatch log file (log file) for warnings (lines containing W>) or errors (lines containing E>).
Or ZIP and attach the log here. I'm sure there will be an error message from Google about an API key missing or something.


It works now that I enabled "Geocoding" API. I couldn't find "Reverse Coding" in their APIs. Thank you so much for help and patience. I am very impressed by this program and its abundance of features, but it will take me time to master all I would like to do.
