Check keywords afterwards adding in hierarchichal thesaurus

Started by Rene Toepfer, March 10, 2021, 05:40:46 PM

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Rene Toepfer

Is it possible to check keywords automatically which will be added in hierarchichal thesaurus? In [1] I have not found information on that.



I don't understand. Check keywords for what?

You can configure IMatch (Keyword Panel configuration) to automatically add new keywords to the thesaurus.
You can fill the thesaurus from existing keywords in your database.
You can export the thesaurus and import controlled vocabularies in various formats into your thesaurus?

Rene Toepfer

If I add a keyword in the hierarchichal thesaurus (see attachement) than it will be created either in the same categorie or as a sub-element. This new keyword is unchecked. My workflow is to add missing keywords by using this feature. In such a case I have to check the new keyword as a separate step. My question is related to that the new keyword will be checked if I click OK for the new keyword, it will be added to the category and checked.


A, that was meant by checking a keyword. Now I understand.
No, sorry, the keyword is not forcefully added to your files when you manipulate the thesaurus that way. Neither are keywords removed from files when you remove them from your thesaurus.
If this would suddenly happen, users would request an option to control this behavior, a keyboard shortcut, visual feedback for the state of this option and probably a toolbar button.

When you have to add so many keywords manually, would it not be faster to import existing keywords from the database to fill your thesaurus? Or import an existing keyword list, e.g. from Lightroom?

Feel free to add a feature request. If a sufficient number of users also wants this, I will look into it. Feature requests with a number of +1's tell em what users need. And then I add it.

Have you considered to just type in the keyword in the input field at the top?
This adds the keyword to the file and to your thesaurus (if you have enabled the corresponding option). Usually as fast or even faster as manipulating the thesaurus in the Keyword Panel and ticking the check box afterwards too. Tip: The SPACE key also "ticks" the check box. Maybe faster?