Setting a tag as read-only in a panel

Started by PandDLong, March 09, 2021, 10:55:18 PM

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I am creating new panels to fit my needs (which is great function of iMatch btw).

There are times when I want to display tags in the panel but I don't want to change them.  They are displayed to help me with editing other tags.   I am hoping there is a way to set those tags as read-only so I don't accidentally change the contents without realizing it (ask me how I know this is possible...).

I can set the text to a colour to show it is meant to be read-only but accidents happen.

I am also thinking ahead to when I will want a family member help fill in some metadata (they know things I don't) and I'd like to make a panel that is specific to that task for an inexperienced user and I would want to display some tags without allowing edits to them.



No. There is no feature to set a tag that is not already flagged as read-only as read-only.
So far, it was neither need nor requested. Accidentally changing a tag is rather hard and you can always use Edit > Undo. Or Shift+Ctrl+F5 > Reload Metadata is things have really been messed up.


Quote from: PandDLong on March 09, 2021, 10:55:18 PM

I can set the text to a colour to show it is meant to be read-only but accidents happen.

I guess, if I would  do so, let my family members add some tags, I would give them only a fraction of the tags (in a new panel) and do what you wrote, the tags what should not be overwritten, visualize with a yelling color like red ... or, even maybe better, with a subtle grey on black or so.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Fair enough.  I can certainly make do with what is available in iMatch.

As I use the product more I come up with things I would like to do - I read the documentation (which is extensive and very good) and search this forum and found many answers on how I can do things.  Since the product is so highly configurable, I ask in case there is a way to do it that wasn't obvious to me.

I appreciate the fast responses on this forum because I can make my decisions on how to use iMatch and move forward.


How about making a preset in the metadata panel which displays only those fields which you
will allow to be changed?


That's what I would do. Create a "safe" layout and keep the fields you don't want to modify hidden.


...and perhaps those things that you'd like to present for reference only, could be added to the File Window Tip:


Quote from: Tveloso on March 10, 2021, 01:56:23 PM
...and perhaps those things that you'd like to present for reference only, could be added to the File Window Tip:

Ah, that is a good one.
Because PandDLong want to show for others some tags, but want not, that they are overwritten. That is why he cannot simply hide them.
But the idea from Tveloso is very good!
IF someone wants to know more, that can be looked at the File Window Tip.
And all metadata tags in the panel can be edited, all tags, what should not be edited, are hidden, but viewable in the Tip.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


The collective wisdom in this group is great.

I haven't read up on that feature but I will now.   Sounds like there is a solution!
