Mapping and keywords

Started by jln, March 13, 2021, 12:40:20 AM

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I have saved several locations that were frequently used my photos. I have edited the locations and included keywords with the location which have already be created in the Keywords Panel. The keywords, however, seem not to be applied. Here is what I do:

1) On the Map panel, I click the Location icon and select "Go to Location." I select a location that has been edited including keywords. This opens the map (I'm using Google) with the location in the center and labelled. However there is no target marker.

2) I left click on the location label in the map, and a target marker is placed there.

3) I select a file in the File Window using the layout showing keywords. I then right click on the target marker in the map window and choose "Apply this position..." The globe icon appears on the file, but the keywords for that location are not added. Clicking the pen icon to write back to the file does not add the keywords.

4) All of the information I had put in the location when I edited it (state, city, location, etc.) are in the metadata except the keywords.

What am I doing wrong?


When you right-click on the target marker, IMatch copies the GPS coordinates of that marker into all selected images. And optionally performs reverse geo-coding to fill in country, city and location.
This operation does not perform a search if there might be a location including the target marker's coordinates and apply the data stored in that location.

If you have created locations in the Map panel, you need to apply the location to images.
Set the Map panel to display your locations. Optionally use the Goto command to go to a specific location.
Right-click the location and use the apply command.

This applies the location coordinates to all selected files, and all other data, including keywords.

You can also apply locations to files via a Metadata Template, either a specific location or a location based on GPS data found in the images to which you apply the Metadata Template.

See Locations in the IMatch Help for more information.


I think your instructions are exactly what I did. Please look at the attached screen shots:

1 is a snip from the file window of the photo I want to assign GPS data.
2 is the edit window for the location with the keyword "beach."
3 is the map with the target marker and the menu to assign it to the photo.
4 is the snip from the file window of the photo after the position was assigned. Notice that "beach" does not show, but the indicator for GPS data does.
5 is the metadata after the assignment showing the location and keywords without "beach."


You are assigning the coordinates of the target marker to your files.
This is not the same as assigning an existing location to your files.

See my image again: I have clicked the yellow circle of one of the locations I have created. Not the target marker.


Okay. But when I click a location in Go To Location, there is no yellow circle and no marker, just the map with a label of the location name. How do I put a yellow circle around a saved location?


Go to location places the target marker at the location's address.

To show locations on your map, enable the Show Locations option in the Gear menu in the Map panel.