[German] Thesaurus Manager - Verschieben von Schlüsselwörtern mit drag & drop

Started by spiff, September 17, 2020, 11:22:41 PM

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ich versuche gerade meinen Thesaurus mit dem Thesaurus Manager zu ordnen. Ich habe viele Schlüsselwörter in oberster Ebene und möchte diese jetzt hierarchischen Schlüsserlwörtern, oder Gruppierungsebenen zuweisen. Dazu möchte ich die Schlüsselwörter einfach via drag & drop verschieben, aber das geht nicht. Kann das bitte ermöglicht werden? Den Thesaurus Manager ohne drag & drop Funktionalität zu nutzen ist sehr mühsam und zeitraubend.


I got an answer from Silkypix. They will give it to their person in charge.

Regards Björn



please add at least the key-combination CTRL+X for moving from Windows


You will be overjoyed to hear that the Thesaurus Manager in IMatch 2021 supports drag and drop for moving elements and synonyms and the awesome new <CENSORED. NOT FOR THE PUBLIC YET>...
And yes, it also supports cut in addition to copy, for users who prefer keyboard shortcuts over the mouse.


Quote from: Mario on March 30, 2021, 08:39:42 PM
You will be overjoyed to hear that the Thesaurus Manager in IMatch 2021 supports drag and drop for moving elements and synonyms and the awesome new <CENSORED. NOT FOR THE PUBLIC YET>...
And yes, it also supports cut in addition to copy, for users who prefer keyboard shortcuts over the mouse.

:D :D :D