Anywhere very slow after purging cache

Started by neal, April 01, 2021, 01:14:33 PM

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Just when I thought everything was fixed, when I opened Anywhere, it took a long time for the images to appear. Also, many of the pdfs had no image, only an icon. Is this results of purging the cache the other day to fix the IMatch problem of wrong thumbnails appearing? Previously, the thumbnails appeared very quickly and pdfs also showed up fine. Should I regenerate the cache for the entire DB, jpgs included? Is that going to bring back the old problem with the thumbnails in IMatch? I have attached the Anywhere logs.


After looking further, the problem seems to be on pages that contain pdfs. Shall I generate the cache for all pdfs?


If you purged the cache, IMatch has to recreate the cache for all files (with the exception of JPGs if you have told it not create cache files for JPGs) when they are first accessed. To boost performance, you can regenerate the cache for all other file types (other than JPG) in one large go. This will, however, take some time, especially if you have a lot of PDFs.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


This is what I would suggest too. You can re-create the cache on a per-folder basis (e.g. for your PDF files). Right-click on the folder to open the context menu > Cache > Rebuild.
File formats like PDF files and video files are very slow to process, compared to images. This is just how it is.


In IM, all the pdfs show the correct images in Quickview and Viewer and thumbnails. However, when I copy the DB to the Anywhere folder for using there, out of 3500 images, 200 images come up as pdf icons! Any ideas?


No idea. Anything in the log file?
IMatch Anywhere WebViewer uses the same thumbnails as IMatch for the File Window (these come from the database).
But it creates its own cache images, because it manages different sizes of cache images, depending on your IMWS cache settings.
When something fails, IMWS will log the problem with either a W> warning or E> error.


No errors in the logs. Is there a way to purge and regenerate the Anywhere cache?


 I see 4 cache folders in: C:\ProgramData\\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\cache. Please see attachment. Can they all be purged?


You can delete these folders if IMWS is not running.
But I would rather recommend to use the options available on the Cache tab in the IMatch WebViewer Controller.
Set the cache time to a few days and restart IMWS. It should purge cache files soon.
Also, unless you run 4 databases with IMWS, you usally have only one cache folder. The cache folder name matches the cache folder shown in the log file after IMWS has started and loaded the database.


Deleted all pdfs from the database and converted them to psd. After that, all pdf icons and slow speed disappeared from Anywhere!
Now there is something that I do not understand. What is the meaning of SAVED PICTURES in the Anywhere screen and Admin screen? see attached.


This has to be a folder in your database.


There is a folder called 'saved pictures', but it is empty. However, when I click on the box next to Saved Pictures, 1400+ photos are displayed! Where are they located?




Same database?
IMatch shows it as empty, but IMatch Anywhere shows that the folder has files, for the same database?
I'm quite sure that this has never been reported before. Please upload the database to your cloud space and send me a link.
Or, maybe, run a diagnosis first in IMatch.
Makes sure you are using the same database in IMatch and IMatch Anywhere. This is a common problem.



After rebooting the computer, the SAVED PICTURES is still there in Anywhere, but there are no photos (0) in it!! Mysterious.