Viewer - Auto-Advance to perform next page

Started by PandDLong, May 26, 2021, 11:07:50 PM

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I really like the auto-advance feature concept in the Viewer.  It speeds up the workflow.  I turn it on and love it but when I get to the last picture in the current display, I remember why I keep turning off auto-advance.

When at the last picture in the current layout, I would prefer auto-advance to do "next page" instead of "next".  In the current configuration the constant shuffle of the pictures within the current display as you advance one picture at a time is a bit hard on the eyes and slows the process as well (which may be a function of my machine and its graphics capabilities).

A non-critical ask but would be a nice "feature".



This sounds like you display more than one image in the Viewer at a time?


Yes, I typically have a few in order to compare similar photos and reject/rate as appropriate.

There are times with next page that the right set of photos won't be in the viewer at the same time - manually clicking on the film strip at the bottom to get the right group in the viewer is fine in these uncommon situations.


I have enhanced this as follows:

In multi-image mode, when the last image on a page is rated/labelled/rejected and auto-advance is enabled, IMatch moves an entire page, but sets the focus to the top-left image on that page (different than a normal PageDown). This means when the Viewer auto-advances from the last image, you can immediately continue with the next page of images.
All other commands like <Cursor Next> remain unchanged and work as before. This allows the user to control if he wants to scroll one image or an entire page.



And thanks for catching that a normal PageDown wasn't quite right.



Quote from: PandDLong on May 28, 2021, 05:45:31 PM

And thanks for catching that a normal PageDown wasn't quite right.


What's not right? PageDown sets the focus to the first image on the new page. PageUp to the last image on the new page. Nothing's changed.