Finding files with "an incomplete keyword hierarchy"

Started by PandDLong, April 16, 2021, 11:42:37 PM

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I have a keyword hierarchy for birds that has a specific branch  - 'birds|waterfowl|ducks' and then a number of sub-elements for types of ducks - eg. '...ducks|buffleheads'.

I went through and quickly catalogued a number of pictures and where the type of duck wasn't obvious I just keyworded it as 'birds|waterfowl|ducks'.

Now I want to go through and take the time to identify the specific type of duck and update the keyword to add the sub-element.

How do I find those pictures that were keyworded for 'ducks' but not a specific type?   In a data-driven category it would fall into the 'other' group but not sure how to make that work for keywords?

I am sure there is a way to do this but I seem to have Friday afternoon brain...

Is it also safe to say that my approach was not a good strategy and I should create a keyword for 'ducks|unknown' to handle this in the future.



What I do for this is:
  1 - select the birds|waterfowl|ducks category from the @keywords branch
  2 - turn on: Show only directly assigned files from the hierarchy drop down

I too follow a similar keywording because there are many birds/plants, etc that I may never identify... but - I know it is a duck at least!



Thanks - sounds perfect.

I am clearly having a couple bad days because I can't find the 'show only directly assigned files' option.    I tried various menus and drop-downs but no luck.  I also searched help but couldn't find it.

Can you give me a little more info on how I get this "hierarchy drop down"?



See here.
I am not at my PC at the moment, but I think this is what you're looking for.

Edit Sorry wrong link. Search for File Window in the help, then for Viewing Categories in the File Window.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Got it.

I wasn't looking for the option in the file window panel - I will add that this was the first time I've noticed or used that pull-down menu in the file window.  Something new!

Another great feature has been identified.

Thanks so much for your help.  It is very appreciated!



Sorry.. should have included a link to the help or a screenshot for clarity... glad it is sorted!  Enjoy!!


There is even a dedicated The 'Did You Know?'' topic for this.
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