Help to set up a splasher

Started by cytochrome, May 02, 2021, 03:32:31 PM

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After two years I am back at Imatch (last version) and have difficulties setting up a splasher, cause maybe my old age (over 80), anyway:
- I want to assign in one step different members from my WHO category to one or more files
- I do F9,F create a favorite "Fam"
- in WHO I Ctrl-click on several categories (Jim, John, Gill...) and try to drag them into the Fam favorite
- the CTRL-click does not select multiple cats but only one!!
- I can drag them one after the other, so I get Jim, John and Gill in the Fam favorite but have no way to assign them in one click to my file or files
Question: how to drop several cats into the favorite panel (I read the Help of course but maybe didnt understand some finesse...)


Sorry for the silly question, was really an effect of great age: I was trying to select the categories from the right Cat panel and not from the left cat panel. Works as advertized...


It should work both when you drag categories from the Category View (tree on the left) and from the separate Category Panel (available in all Views).


In the category panel (F9,C) when I CTRL-click on Jim it deselects John, I never get the addition of Jim, John and Gill into the Favorite, only 3 separate items.


The Category Panel does not support multi-selection, so if you need that, you need to use the Category View.
You can also edit the properties of an existing category favorite to include more categories (or less) by just typing in the category names.


Thank you Mario, I'm slowly learning again to get what I need (just a small sub-part of Imatch's capabilities).