Searching for files with a List of filenames

Started by voronwe, May 02, 2021, 06:32:34 PM

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Hi again  ;D (a website where you can show images to custumers and where they can select images) has a feature that it will give you a list of files a customer has selected:

So far I did not found a way to put this list into IMatch and filter just for this images.
Is there a way to use a list like this (which is a list of files without the extension, because on pictr you show jpgs, but the selection is for the RAW-Files):


for the search for images?



Use the special File Finder App for this purpose. You find it in the App Manager, like all apps.
It has a bulk match feature to match a list of file names:


Quote from: Mario on May 02, 2021, 06:40:43 PM
Use the special File Finder App for this purpose. You find it in the App Manager, like all apps.
It has a bulk match feature to match a list of file names:

Unfortunatly this does not seem to work on my side:
I put "2021_04_24_002_NikonD500_T" in the first search ("Suche nach Dateinamen") and it found the correct file,
But when I put "2021_04_24_002_NikonD500_T" into the "Stapelsuche" it did not find it.
"Dateinamenerweiterung ignorieren" was checked

Ok, this seems to be a bug:

When I enter "2021_04_24_002_NikonD500_T.jpg" into the bulk search, and uncheck "Dateinamenerweiterung ignorieren" it finds it. When I check it, it does not find it.

Without extension it is not found, no matter whether it was checked or not.


Please report potential bugs in the appropriate bug report board.
Since your file name has no extension, the ignore extension option must be enabled.
In that case, the search becomes case sensitive (small glitch) and that's what causing the problem.

You can fix this by editing the app.
Just insert

f.namene = f.namene.toLowerCase().trim();

in row 534 of c:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\file-finder\src\app.js

after =;

I will include this bug fix in IMatch 2021.


That works, thanks  :D
With this one and without extensions on the file, I could find my jpgs as well as my dngs. Thanks a lot, that helped (A thumbs-up icon is definitly needed in this forum).

But (there is allways a but, isn't it  ;)  )
Unfortunatly pictrs gives the list without extensions only seperated by , (for Lightroom) or by Space (for Capture One). A list with a new-line for every file is only given with the extension.
I raised the request there some minutes ago to give a list without extensions seperated by new-line, pointing out that this will help to use the lists in IMatch.

Currently the workaround is to open the list with extensions in Notepad++ and remove any ".JPG", or use the Komma-seperated List and replace every "," by "\n"

I will tell if I get an answer.

Anyway, thanks for the moment