lightroom collections

Started by frlindla, February 20, 2019, 07:58:33 PM

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I have used the lightroom importer app to import keywords etc. But when I tried the Collections, they are imported but there are no photos in the Collections. Are there settings I have to be aware of?


No, this usually just works.
Note that IMatch can only import files from normal collections, not smart collections.

The Lr Importer app is based on what I've learned from my own Lr catalogs and catalogs sent to me by other IMatch users.
Adobe does not document the Lightroom database and has of course no interest in making it easy for Lr users to switch to other software.

If your catalog is different that all the others I have seen, not all features of the Lr importer might work. If it can create the categories but does not assign any files, something in your catalog . I would need to have your catalog here to tell you more.


Quote from: frlindla on February 20, 2019, 07:58:33 PM
I have used the lightroom importer app to import keywords etc. But when I tried the Collections, they are imported but there are no photos in the Collections. Are there settings I have to be aware of?

I have the same problem - a large number of regular LR collections including those within collection sets (not 'smart collections'), were imported successfully from LR6 by the app, but no images were allocated to any of the collections.

I wondered how (or whether) you were able to resolve this, in case I can try something similar?



The Lr Importer app is based on what I've learned from my own Lr catalogs and catalogs sent to me by other IMatch users.
Adobe does not document the Lightroom database and has of course no interest in making it easy for Lr users to switch to other software.

The latest version of the Lr importer app is included with the current IMatch version.
If it fails to assign collections to your files, did you try to run the importer app again, just importing collections?


Hi Mario,
1) first I tried importing a limited number of LR collections and images from a small LR6 catalog into a test IMatch database, and it worked :)

2) I am currently re-running my actual import of LR collections only, as suggested.
The images had been imported previously, and I have worked with some of them since.

- 67,400 images in LR catalog, approx. 125,000 file count as imported by IMatch
- 255 LR collections
- this includes a few smart collections, which I understand will not be imported

- It is now over 64 hours of actual running time since the LR collections import started, and it is still going.
Since the start one 'system hibernation' has occurred, and two automated backups using Macrium have run during this time.

3) My questions:
a) based on info here and below, or anything additional that you would need to see, would it be possible for you guesstimate (order of magnitude) whether this might need to run for another week (or month, or ...?)
b) is there something you see here that indicates likely failure?

If unlikely to be completed within a week I will need to stop the import, as I need to use IMatch to get some work done ;)
Or is there another strategy I can try?


- IMatch immediately showed "categories created" (corresponding to LR collections), but continues to show 0 in each collection

- system - Win10, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8 cores; 16GB mem; GPU NVIDIA GForce RTX 2070 SUPER (8GB)
- task manager screen shot attached in case helpful; it is reasonably representative of status each time I have checked


I think the app has just died. Hibernate will have surely done no good.
Close IMatch, check which collections have been imported into categories, then re-run the collection import.
Make sure that IMatch has ingested all the images before importing the collections again.
Check the IMatch log file for warnings or errors (lines containing W> or E>) afterwards.

The collection import is usually instant, unless IMatch also has to process 120,000 files before.

As I say always: This app is based on hearsay and what I have seen in Lightroom catalogs I have here in the lab. So it usually works, but maybe not for all catalogs or all image volumes.
It's was more designed as a marketing tool years ago, when many users wanted to move away from Lightroom and I wanted to make this a bit easier.

There are many different catalog and database formats in use by Lr and Adobe does not document, endorse or support using Lightroom catalog data in other applications. They actually make this extra hard.