[German] - GPS-WorldRegion setzen in Abhängigkeit von {File.MD.country}?

Started by RobiWan, May 18, 2021, 01:18:09 PM

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wie ich aus meiner alter Nachfrage verstanden habe, wird "WorldRegion" von Google & Co nicht geliefert. Wenn ich sie aber doch haben will, dann .... ja was kann ich dann tun ohne manuell irgendetwas tun müssen?
Ich dachte hier an Variablen, aber wenn ich es auch aus einem anderen Thread richtig verstehe, gibt es keine logische Verknüpfung mit der man  etwas wie:

if (File.MD.country == "Deutschland") or (File.MD.country == "Italien") or (File.MD.country == "Spanien") {
set WorldRegion = "Europa" }

realisieren kann. Gibt es sonst eine Möglichkeit WorldRegion aus vorhandenen Daten zu gewinnen?


You can set one tag from a variable via a Metadata Template or the Metadata Mechanic app.
You can use the is variable function to compare a variable against text or the contents of another variable or tag. This way you should be easily able to implement what you need.
Use the VarToy app to create and test your variable.

Something like {File.MD.country|is:United Kingdom,Europe,{File.MD.country|is:United States of Amercia,America}} should work nicely. Use it as the source in a Metadata Template or with the Metadata Mechanic to set whatever tag you want to fill with the world region.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Thank you very much. I must see if I have understood everything correctly and how I can implement it.



Maybe I'm doing something wrong again but it's not working here.
I have of course tried in the VarToy APP - already the {File.MD.country} variable is empty although an image has the GPS data.
Any idea why?



GPS data is not enough. Is the country field filled in the Metadata panel?
If the country is not filled in, {File.MD.country} will be empty. This can only worked after you manually filled the country tag or ran a reverse geocode.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Thank you very much. Now it becomes clear.
But I see, my image has all asked informations

exiftool -Country -state -city "C:\DSLR\DSLR\ExtHDD 2507\EOS R5\RAW\2021\02\13\_rr02800.xmp"
Country                         : Deutschland
State                           : Nordrhein-Westfalen
City                            : Altenberge

but IMatch don't use/ see it



I have now tried entering the information separately and writing it to the file, but IMatch does not do it. So the XMP file gets new timestamp but content does not change.

Here IMatch log file


If the Metadata Paneldoes not show the info, it does not exist in the database, and the variables cannot work.
Where did you enter the country name? In IMatch? How? Why does it not show in the metadata panel?
Did you manipulate the metadata of this files in other applications?
Do you use Mylio?
Do you use any non-standard settings for metadata in IMatch?

1.  Select the RAW and press Shift+Ctrl+F5 and choose "Reload Metadata".
Does the county name now show up in the Metadata Panel set to the "Default" layout?

2.  Run the Metadata Analyst on the RAW file and use the green button at the top to copy the results into the clipboard.
Paste them into your reply. This gives us a minimum of information to work with.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Thank you for your answer.
I send an e-mail because the *.json file created contains too much personal data



Which json file?
Did you use the green "copy results" button as I asked you to do above?
This only copies error messages and warnings into the clipboard and there should be zip personal data.

I have a ton of emails in my queue. Typical processing time for emails requiring me to analyze something is over a week.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


I have used "save report".

Here is output from green utton

"Metadata Analyst Results. Version 2020.14.2. 20.5.2021 11:13:43
File analyzed: C:\DSLR\DSLR\ExtHDD 2507\EOS R5\RAW\2021\02\13\_rr02800.cr3
Errors: 0
Warnings: 15

Warning: [System] Metadata Working Group compliance is disabled.
Warning: [XMP] Embedded XMP record (Unknown) and XMP sidecar file (photools.com IMatch (Windows)) found.
Warning: [XMP] Embedded XMP rating is 0.
Warning: [XMP] [ExifIFD]:DateTimeOriginal not mapped to [XMP-exif]:DateTimeOriginal (embedded).
Warning: [XMP] [ExifIFD]:CreateDate not mapped to [XMP-xmp]:CreateDate (embedded).
Warning: [XMP] [ExifIFD]:DateTimeOriginal not mapped to [XMP-photoshop]:DateCreated (embedded).
Warning: [XMP] [IFD0]:Copyright not mapped to [XMP-dc]:Rights (embedded).
Warning: [XMP] [IFD0]:Artist not mapped to [XMP-dc]:Creator (embedded).
Warning: [XMP] [IFD0]:Artist not mapped to [XMP-tiff]:Artist (embedded).
Warning: [XMP] [IFD0]:Orientation not mapped to [XMP-tiff]:Orientation (embedded).
Warning: [XMP] [ExifIFD]:UserComment not mapped to [XMP-dc]:Description (embedded).
Warning: [XMP] [ExifIFD]:UserComment not mapped to [XMP-dc]:Description (sidecar).
Warning: [XMP] [GPS]:GPSLatitude not mapped to [XMP-exif]:GPSLatitude (embedded).
Warning: [XMP] [GPS]:GPSLongitude not mapped to [XMP-exif]:GPSLongitude (embedded).
Warning: [Detailed Validation] [minor] Odd offset for ExifIFD tag 0x9011 OffsetTimeOriginal



First thing I see:
Warning: [System] Metadata Working Group compliance is disabled.

You have disabled this (under Edit > Preferences > Metadata 2) and effectively disabled much of the metadata mapping that takes place in IMatch during import and write-back.
This is a very BAD IDEA and I don't endorse, support or test this. If you turn this off, you are on your own.
This alone could be the reason for your problem. And for many other things you don't have discovered yet. The XMP data and native metadata in your files is totally different, a situation most undesirable.

Unless you re-enable this and re-import the metadata of all your files so IMatch can do a proper XMP import and mapping, I cannot do much for you.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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That is correct as far as it goes.
But it also shows that what I wanted to achieve is at least not possible in one step. Too bad for me