How to determine in which app panel an app should run

Started by ubacher, May 28, 2021, 08:12:17 PM

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I could not find any info on how to specify in which of the 4 app panels an app should run.
Or is this not possible?


From the help:

QuoteTo run an app, left-click the icon. The App Manager runs the app in the active App Panel unless the app specifies otherwise. If no App Panel is currently open, the App Manager automatically opens one. Some apps run in a separate window.


Or, if you start an App from the Favorites Panel, you can configure it in the properties of the Favorite.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Damn, that's smart  8)
I really did forget about that. Jeez, IMatch is huuge.


Quote....The App Manager runs the app in the active App Panel unless the app specifies otherwise.....

This is exactly where my question comes from: How does the app specify which panel?

I find that app panels which have no app associated with it can not be opened.

The way via favorites will allow me to specify - thanks thrinn.


The app cannot specify a specific panel. It can only tell that it uses a separate window or that it runs in an app panel.
The App Manager decides which panel. Or the user, who first opens a panel and makes it active and then starts the app. Or just picks the app from the list of apps at the top of the panel.


Quote from: Mario on May 29, 2021, 08:36:08 AM
The app cannot specify a specific panel. It can only tell that it uses a separate window or that it runs in an app panel.
The App Manager decides which panel. Or the user, who first opens a panel and makes it active and then starts the app. Or just picks the app from the list of apps at the top of the panel.

Believe you can also us the IMatch.appRun function to specify a specific app window target - one of the parameters allows for the specific app window (1-4).   8) 8)


Quote...... use the IMatch.appRun function to specify a specific app window target

I guess this capability was never implemented in the app manager and app.json file.


No... only via favorites or programmatically within the app itself.  Of course, you can always run apps as modals which creates NEW panels so it won't mess with the standard app panels at all.


Quote from: thrinn on May 28, 2021, 09:48:56 PM
Or, if you start an App from the Favorites Panel, you can configure it in the properties of the Favorite.

Haa, cool, thanks thrinn, very good!

And thanks, ubacher, that you brought this up, because I had troubles with this also since a long time.

Solved now!  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: thrinn on May 28, 2021, 09:48:56 PM
Or, if you start an App from the Favorites Panel, you can configure it in the properties of the Favorite.

thrinn, cool, super.

I knew, that you posted a solution for this. Hence I search in the help ... no look, I am sure, it is there, but I found it not.

Then I searched with the "advanced search" here, for thrinn and app.

Wow, I found it soon and it works perfectly (to determine an app in what panel). Thanks again.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)