Filter-Name in File-Viewer-Window

Started by Gerd, October 20, 2013, 10:43:19 PM

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I now use more and more the advantage of saving filter-settings so that they are usable in the File-Manager. To make an identification easy I want to see the choosen  filter-names in the header of the file-viewer. If more then one filter is choosen, then like a table, one beneath the other.

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I'm not sure what you expect.
Should Mario drop all work on IM5 and immediately start working on your feature request and bring out an intermediate update?


Hi Ben,

for sure not! Mario react also on other 'little' requests ... and I do not expect a immediate solution, only a reaction, if this is kept in scope or not ...

... what will your reaction be, if you aks something and get no answer?


I only react on feature requests when I have questions, or a request is made for a feature already existing.
I do not comment on all feature requests, give schedules etc.

Sometimes I fix a bug in an area for which a feature request is pending. And if the change is quick, I'll include it. Otherwise all feature requests are processed after bug fixes. Unless I'm fed up with fixing bugs and spent a Sunday evening implementing a new feature.

Your feature request has been noted. We need solutions for situations where multiple filters are enabled, for situations where the available space is not sufficient to list all the filters etc. All this requires some thinking. You only considered the most simple case, something that does never work for software development.

For example, if you have long folder names they will wrap. This happens quite often, for users with deeper folder hierarchies (most pro's) or for users who prefer to see a larger Quick View panel or who work on the road on a small netbook. Then the file window caption looks like this:

As you can see, the folder name wraps and fills the "empty" space you want to use to allocate for filter names. What to do in such a case?

The general idea is that the user can see that a filter is active. And if he has hidden the filter panel and also forgotten which filter he has enabled, he can always open the filter panel to check.

So, that was a reaction on your feature request. In short: It's on my list and I will look into it in order. But I need to think about it to understand the specifics, exceptions and possible situations.

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-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quotewhat will your reaction be, if you aks something and get no answer?
Depends. See eg  this Mantis request
Or this one.
Will be implemented in the next build.

Whether Mario sees fit to implement something like this or not is his decision.
No need to keep posting on implementation dates or similar.


Hi Mario,

thanks for this big answer!  :D
It's enough for me, that future request have been recognized. I do not expect a date of realization ...


Quote from: Mario on November 01, 2013, 08:29:57 AM
For example, if you have long folder names they will wrap. This happens quite often, for users with deeper folder hierarchies (most pro's) or for users who prefer to see a larger Quick View panel or who work on the road on a small netbook. Then the file window caption looks like this:

As you can see, the folder name wraps and fills the "empty" space you want to use to allocate for filter names. What to do in such a case?

In this case I would cut the name and end with dots, e.g. "absdefg ...". The best way may be a configurable layout in the preferences to specify the parts you will see. e.g. first 10 characters ... last 10 characters ("abcde...qrstu", or 25 first characters ("abcde...", or 25 last characters ("...qrstu")
... and use the possibility to show the whole content in an extra frame, if you point with the mouse on it ...

... only my adhoc ideas ... and if you use it in a subroutine, you can use it on severeal places ...


Sounds like rather massive amount of work for such a tiny feature, don't you think?
How many users will really benefit from the name of the selected filter displayed in the file window caption bar I wonder? If unsure, a simple click in the filter panel will show that info as well (in case the filter panel is not visible anyway).
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Hi Mario,

you as developer knows: tiny things make the users happy, the big ones are not rewarded!  ;D ;D ;D


Quotetiny things make the users happy, the big ones are not rewarded!

What does that mean? That Mario should invest massive amounts of time making tiny changes to satisfy very few users?


I'll keep this in the feature list. But there are many more pressing issues right now, and many feature requests which are undoubtedly beneficial for larger user groups - so these will come first before I think about this request again. I have some changes for the file caption on my to-do list for a later release (post the official launch) and this could be dealt with when doing these larger changes.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Quote from: Richard on November 02, 2013, 12:52:31 AM
Quotetiny things make the users happy, the big ones are not rewarded!

What does that mean? That Mario should invest massive amounts of time making tiny changes to satisfy very few users?

I'll break protocol by stepping into an exchange that doesn't concern me directly, but - as a programmer myself - I'll risk calling a 'Chill ...'  :)

I interpreted Gerd's comment (with his three smileys) to mean he acknowledges the irony that - so often (and in spite of his own suggestion in this post) - a developer like Mario may move a whole new mountain in programming terms, yet the software's User-base will (sometimes) cheer the loudest for a less functionally-significant or cosmetic tweak that pleases them more ...

Though Gerd said it more concisely than I did  :P

Colin P.