IMatch Clipboard - App

Started by sinus, June 18, 2021, 12:34:10 PM

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I wonder, if I have somehow an old App on my system, because I do not find the tabs Copy-Move, like in the help.
See my attachement.

And then more important, my question:
If I have over 10 images or so, on my screen they are all visible only in ONE large, horizonal row. They do not build a second or more rows.

Have I overlooked something? Because it is not very helpful so see only a fraction of the images and the others are hidden (though I can make them smaller).

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


The clipboard shows all files in a horizontal strip. It does not use multiple rows.
The design is optimized for a small panel height, which does not get in the way.

You can scroll with the mouse wheel to see other files. The number of files currently in the clipboard is displayed left of the Clear button.
You can zoom the panel to see more files. If I make the thumbnails quite small, I see about between 30 and 40 thumbnails. That should be enough to know which files are in the clipboard, without scrolling too much.

The Copy/Move buttons are only visible when you are in the Media & Folders View and there is actually a target folder for the move/copy.
In the Category View you get an Assign button instead. In the Collections View you get an Add button.


Ah, thanks for your answer, Mario.
Well, then it is ok for me.

I usually work temporarly with 20 - 150 images, today e.g. I had 89 images.
You are correct, with about 30 images this is ok.

But over this (for me) this is not good to work.
In this case I do it simply like I did before, I use some categories, together with favourites-button this is also a very good way.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Whatever works for you.
I use the clipboard very often, while consolidating files, re-arranging files between folders or categories etc.
I find it much more convenient that working with extra categories. I also always know which files I've just dragged into the clipboard so I only rarely need to seem them or scroll.