Filter Manager - Setting Filter

Started by HaWo, July 10, 2013, 07:42:22 PM

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Hello Mario,

this is my request for a new function.

When I use more than one filter in filter-manager together, than can it be, I get wrong results or nothing (filters are connected with AND).
I think it could be usefull for many users, the small hook set blank with a separat function (e.g. button 'Alle Häkchen löschen'), or the next filter selection (it sets a new small hook) reset the 'old' one.

I have now in that case allways only one activ filter. In many situations is this very usefull.

Screenshot shows e.g. 'forgotten' small hooks.

Mario, please check these idea. I hope other users mean the same. Thank you for testing.

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Quote from: HaWo on July 10, 2013, 07:42:22 PM
When I use more than one filter in filter-manager together, than can it be, I get wrong results or nothing (filters are connected with AND).
I think it could be usefull for many users, the small hook set blank with a separat function (e.g. button 'Alle Häkchen löschen'), or the next filter selection (it sets a new small hook) reset the 'old' one.

I have now in that case allways only one activ filter. In many situations is this very usefull.
What do you mean with "wrong results"? Are there errors in the Filter?

A reset button may be usefull for some users who have large lists with filters, but I'm absolutely opposed against an automatic reset of the previous filter when selecting another filter. This would make the combination a two or more filters impossible and reduce the useability of the Filter enormously.


look under the gear-symbol in the filter-panel. There you will find "Clear active Filter". Is that what will help?



I don't mean errors in the filter, but what I need to see.

No, Gerd, sorry. I mean exactly all small hooks should reseted.  I use only one filter in action and would be make a  'Klick' separatly on the filter.

I'm afraid my English is not so I like it. I hope you all understand what I mean.



See attached screenshot. You want a button that removes all selections from the saved filters, inside the red area, yes?

The "Clear active Filter" works on the selections AND the content of the various panels in the green area.

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@ BenAW,

you are right. But it is not the solution of my problem. Unfortunately does not help.

- Activ filter is 'out' while filter is reseted, green area has no hooks now.
- All hooks in red area are always activ, not blank. Also Activ filter, when it was marked befor.
- Is one of them allone marked (not Activ filter, it's reseted) , than I get a result.


Quote from: HaWo on July 11, 2013, 03:25:25 PM
- Is one of them allone marked (not Activ filter, it's reseted) , than I get a result.
That's how the Filter is supposed to work.
Selecting a second Filter in the red area means the images have to match the first AND the second filter. If no image qualifies the result is zero images.
Selecting more than 2 filters means not many images will match probably.

Just remove all "Häckchen" in the red area and then select just one filter. See what the result now is.


I think you misunderstand me. My English to bad.
I know how works a filter. I know how works two filters together. I know, what I need.

Wenn hier Deutsch nicht möglich ist, dann muss ich leider auf weitere Fragen verzichten. Ich möchte nicht durch Missverständnisse unangenehm auffallen.

Please excuse me.


Quote from: HaWo on July 11, 2013, 06:44:46 PM
I think you misunderstand me. My English to bad.

Please excuse me.
No problem, versuche as nog mal in Deutsch. Ich verstehe und spreche ein wenig Deutsch. Schreiben ist schwerr für mich.


hier sind ja auch noch mehr, die Deutsch können und mitlesen ...  ;)



-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Vielen Dank für Euer Verständnis. Das freut mich.

Quote@ BenAW,

you are right. But it is not the solution of my problem. Unfortunately does not help.

- Activ filter is 'out' while filter is reseted, green area has no hooks now.
- All hooks in red area are always activ, not blank. Also Activ filter, when it was marked befor.
- Is one of them allone marked (not Activ filter, it's reseted) , than I get a result.

Ich versuche es mit einfachen Worten.

Du hast Recht in diesem Punkt:
Wird der aktive Filter gelöscht, werden nur die Häkchen im grünen Bereich gelöscht.  Sonst nichts.
Nun sieht man, der aktive Filter ist leer.

Aber hier leider nicht, weil:
die Häkchen im roten Bereich noch vorhanden und aktiv sind (1 oder mehr). Das Löschen des aktiven Filters hat hier keinen Einfluss.
Nur, wenn nur ein Häkchen vorhanden ist, dann erhalte ich ein Resultat. Da sind wir einer Meinung.

Was soll mit den anderen Häkchen geschehen?
1) Einzeln manuell entfernen, oder...
2) Alle mit einer neuen Funktion (Button 'Alle ... löschen...') entfernen, oder...
3) Alle mit einer neuen Funktion entfernen, sobald ein Filter angeklickt wird. Das möchtest Du nicht.

2) oder 3) ist mein Wunsch.
Das versuchte ich Dir zu erklären. Vielleicht habe ich Dich nicht gut verstanden.

Ich hoffe, mein Deutsch ist einfach geschrieben.
Vielen Dank für Deine Mühe.



I think, I understand now ...

If you mark some options in the "Filterverwaltung" and also some in e.g. "Rating ...", then you can reset via "Aktiven Filter zurücksetzen" only the marked options in e.g. "Rating ..." and others, but not in the window below "Filterverwaltung". You have to scroll and unmark setting by setting.

I would be nice, to have a filter-reset via right-mouse-click in the name-field ("Filterverwaltung" e.g.).


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Quote from: HaWo on July 11, 2013, 08:46:42 PM
Was soll mit den anderen Häkchen geschehen?
1) Einzeln manuell entfernen, oder...
2) Alle mit einer neuen Funktion (Button 'Alle ... löschen...') entfernen, oder...
3) Alle mit einer neuen Funktion entfernen, sobald ein Filter angeklickt wird. Das möchtest Du nicht.

2) oder 3) ist mein Wunsch.
Das versuchte ich Dir zu erklären. Vielleicht habe ich Dich nicht gut verstanden.
1) is sufficient, you normally select one, maybe two filters together.
2) maybe useful, if you have a long list with saved filters. It would not be "löschen" of the filters, but de-select.
3)This is nonsense, because it makes selecting 2 or more filters at the same time impossible.


Here another take of (what I think is) the same problem:

If I have a filter JPG ONLY and a filter NEF ONLY then the two are exclusive.
To select the one I have to deselect the other. Inconvenient.

Maybe a solution to this would be to have an option when storing a filter setting to
"Disable all other filters when this one is selected"

For my example above I discovered the INVERT icon (upside down funnel) which goes a long way to overcome
this problem.  So I use NEF ONLY and invert this filter when I don't want NEF which leaves me
mostly with JPG files.
Another filter which benefits from INVERT is "Portrait"

If more than one filter is active it seems the INVERT works only on the bottom-most Filter.


I had another thought about disabling filters: A second column, labeled ONLY
which works like a Radio button (only one can be set).
See mockup / modified screenshot attached
This would make it also clearer as to the function of Filter panel.

Does anyone see a downside / other confusions this could cause?

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 ... Radio-button functionality in that column ... an excellent idea.

And of course Mario could (if he agreed) use actual 'Radio Button' components there ...  :)

(Excuse my bad sketch-up of your example-image ubacher!)

Colin P.

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