Opening a selection in ON1 PhotoRaw

Started by Stefanjan, July 19, 2021, 07:58:38 PM

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When I select a range of images in iMatch and click on  ON1 Photo Raw 2021 in Favorites only one photo opens in ON1

With DXO Photolab the selection opens, I can create a project, perfect.

Appreciate this is an issue with ON1 rather than imatch.

Does anyone have a good workflow for working with an imatch selection in ON1?


IMatch uses the official Windows protocols to open "sets of files" (same as Windows Explorer). It depends on the target application if and how they support it.
You can also try to drag & drop a selection of files from the File Window to the ON1 icon or ON1 window. If this also does not work as you want it to, feel free to contact ON1 support and ask about if and how well they support standard Windows protocols.


Quote from: Mario on July 19, 2021, 09:42:06 PM
feel free to contact ON1 support and ask about if and how well they support standard Windows protocols.
ON1 doesn't work like that. If opening from another application, it only ever opens in single image edit mode. It is not possible to switch to browse mode without closing and reopeening the app as standalone not plugin.

ON1 documentation confirms this.

If there are no ON1 users on here who can advise their workflow with imatch, I'll try the ON1 forums.


Then this is how they have decided to implement support for drag & drop / shell open.


Quote from: Mario on July 20, 2021, 09:52:04 AM
Then this is how they have decided to implement support for drag & drop / shell open.
Yes, seems like it. Searching the ON1 forums this issue has been raised in the past with a suggestion that it will be fixed. I've raised it again as an issue on the ON1 Plus forum.

In the meantime, I guess I will use DXO Photolab rather than ON1 for most of my Raw processing, only using ON1 when I have to.


Got an answer on the ON1 Plus forum.

It's possible to change how ON1 treats external files, the default is to open external files in Edit but this can be changed under preferences, General tab to "open external files in Browse"

ON1 opens the whole folder not a selection but that's a minor issue which I guess can be solved by rating, label or keyword in imatch


Quote from: Stefanjan on July 20, 2021, 06:56:12 PM
ON1 opens the whole folder not a selection but that's a minor issue which I guess can be solved by rating, label or keyword in imatch

This is how many RAW editors work unfortunately - especially those that have their own catalogs.  Opening a huge folder of images still isn't ideal.. what if you are working on images in IMatch from different folders?  Do they open all the images across all the folders?


Quote from: Jingo on July 20, 2021, 09:26:55 PM
Do they open all the images across all the folders?
Seemed to just open one of the folders. I don't think that's something I will need.


I am also using ON1 as my raw editor and I work around their system by opening the selected file (works only on single files) in ON1 Edit mode, editing my image, exporting it typically as a TIFF and then exit ON1.
Since I typically process only my best images, this works fine for me. For large groups of images that require the same treatment (example: white balance change) I run ON1 as standalone and use its 'Sync' feature.


Quote from: afengler on July 20, 2021, 10:50:37 PM
I am also using ON1 as my raw editor
I switched several months ago from on1 to photolab as my main raw processor due to poor lens support. Still use on1 occasionally.


Quote from: Stefanjan on July 20, 2021, 10:00:47 PM
Quote from: Jingo on July 20, 2021, 09:26:55 PM
Do they open all the images across all the folders?
Seemed to just open one of the folders. I don't think that's something I will need.

Figured.. the RAW editors are all pretty bad with this.. they really only want you to use their software so they don't "play nice" with passing in image files.  Thx for the info!