[IM2021.8.10] Filter images w/o GPS data

Started by Rene Toepfer, August 22, 2021, 10:18:47 AM

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Rene Toepfer

Is there a filter which shows all images without (valid) GPS data? Currently I filter all images containing GPS, label them with a colour, remove all filter and filter by images w/o colour label. Mayby it is possible to invert the filter criteria for GPS.


Go to IMatch Workflow Categories and click on Files without GPS data so see all files without GPS data.

Use the same category with the Category Filter to e.g., see all files in a folder, a category, a collection, a month, year etc. without GPS data.

Use the Filter Panel Metadata Value filter for Latitude and Invert to see all files without Latitude (works with all tags if you want to find files with or without data in a tag):

The Dashboard Quality Panel allows you to check for files without GPS data as well.